
80 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


80 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022.
In this course, I spend with python language over 80 days, and I update this README file with what I learned on day-to-day basis. Please give a star if you like it.

Day 1: Today I learned about Printing, Commenting, Debugging, String Manipulation, and Variables. By the end of today, I created Band Name Generator Project.

Day 2: Today I learned about Data Types, Numbers, Operations, Type Conversion, and f-Strings. By the end of today, I created a Tip Calculator Project.

Day 3: Today I learned about Conditional Statements, Logical Operators, Code Blocks, Scope, and Global & Local Namespacing. By the end of today, I created a Treasure Island Game Project.

Day 4: Today I learned about Randomisation in Python and Python Lists. By the end of today, I created a Rock Paper Scissor Game Project.

Day 5: Today I learned about For Loops, Range, and Code Blocks. By the end of today, I created a Password Generator Project.

Day 6: Today I learned about Functions, Code Blocks Indentation, and While Loops. By the end of today, I solved Reeborg Maze Challenge. To see the challenge Click Here.

Day 7: Today I build a Project. It's a game called Hangman Game.

Day 8: Today I learned about Functions with Inputs. By the end of today, I created a Caesar Cipher Project which Encrypt and Decrypt a message.

Day 9: Today I learned about Dictionaries & Nesting. By the end of today, I created a Silent Auction Project which allows to bid silently.

Day 10: Today I learned about Functions with Outputs. By the end of today, I created a Calculator App Project.

Day 11: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous 10 Days. Today I create a Black Jack Game Project.

Day 12: Today I learned about Local and Global Scopes. By the end of today, I created a Guessing Game Project.

Day 13: Today I learned about Debugging. It's all about how to find the Bug and how to fix it.

Day 14: Today I spend building a game called Higher Lower Game.

Day 15: Today I spend building a Coffee Machine Code.

Day 16: Today I learned about Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) and remake yesterday's project using OOP. By the end of today, I created a code for Coffee Machine using the concept of OOP.

Day 17: Today I learned about how to create Class in OOP. By the end of today, I created a code for Quiz Game using the concept of Class and OOP.

Day 18: Today I learned about Turtle Graphics, Tuples and Importing Modules. By the end of today, I created a code for Hirst Dot Painting project using Turtle Graphics.

Day 19: Today I learned more about Turtle Graphics, Event Listeners, State and Multiple Instances. By the end of today, I created a code for Turtle Race Game project.

Day 20: Today and the next day I spend building a famous game called Snake Game. Using the concept of OOP, Turtle Graphics and lots of other things. Today I make the snake, screen, and the snake moves.

Day 21: Today I learned about Inheritance, Slicing. By the end of today, I finished the code for Snake Game project, and today I wrote the code for Detect collision with food, wall, tail, and create a scoreboard.

Day 22: Today I spend building a famous game called Pong Game, using the skills I have learned up till now.

Day 23: Today I spend building a game called Turtle Crossing Game.

Day 24: Today I learned about how to work with Local Files and Directories. By the end of today, I improve the Snake Game project, and build one more project called Mail Merge Project.

Day 25: Today I learned about work with CSV files and Analysing Data with Pandas. By the end of today, I finished the code for U.S. State Game project, which will help to remember the 50 states name of U.S.

Day 26: Today I learned about List and Dictionary Comprehensions. By the end of today, I finished the code for NATO Phonetic Alphabet project.

Day 27: Today I learned about Graphical User Interface(GUI) using Tkinter and Function Arguments. By the end of today, I finished the code for Mile to Km Converter project using Tkinter module.

Day 28: Today I learned about Dynamic Typing. By the end of today, I finished the code for Pomodoro App project using Tkinter module.

Day 29: Today I spend to update a project of Day 5 called Password Generator, using Tkinter and File Handling concept. The project called Password Manager Project.

Day 30: Today I learned about Errors, Exceptions and Saving JSON Data. By the end of today, I update the Password Manager Project's TXT file to JSON file, the project name is Password Manager Update Project, and also Handel some exceptions to NATO Alphabet Project.

Day 31: Today I spend building a Project called Flash Card App using what I learned previous Days.

Day 32: Today I learned about Email SMTP and datetime module. By the end of today, I make a Motivational Quotes Sender and an Automated Birthday Wisher using what I learned today.

Day 33: Today I learned about Application Programming Interfaces(API). By the end of today, I make a Kanye Quotes app and an ISS Overhead project using what I learned today.

Day 34: Today I spend to update a project of Day 17 called Quiz Game, using Trivia API and Tkinter concept. The project called Quizzler App.

Day 35: Today I learned about API Keys, Authentication, Environment Variables and Sending SMS. By the end of today, I make a Rain Alert project using what I learned today.

Day 36: Today I spend building a Project called Stock News Monitoring project using what I learned previous Days.

Day 37: Today I spend building a Project called Habit Tracker project using what I learned previous Days.

Day 38: Today I spend building a Project called Exercise Tracking project using what I learned previous Days. I also attached the output demo in PDF format.

Day 39: Today I spend building a Project called Cheap Flight Finder project using what I learned previous Days. It's the part 1 of total project and in this part my program find the cheap flight deals.

Day 40: Today I spend finishing the Project of previous day, called The Flight Club project using what I learned previous Days.

Day 41: Today I learned about Creating Website with HTML for increase the knowledge about website for web scraping. By the end of today, I make a part of basic Personal Website using HTML.

Day 42: Today I learned about more about HTML like Forms and Tables in HTML. By the end of today, I make another part of basic Personal Website and also solve a Challenge using HTML.

Day 43: Today I learned about Styling website with CSS. By the end of today, I add some style in my basic Personal Website and also solve a Challenge using HTML and also CSS.

Day 44: Today I learned more about CSS. By the end of today, I completed my basic Personal Website using HTML and CSS.

Day 45: Today I learned about Scraping the Web with BeautifulSoup. By the end of today, I scrap 100 greatest movies name using BeautifulSoup.

Day 46: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Musical Time Machine Project using BeautifulSoup.

Day 47: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Amazon Price Tracker Project using BeautifulSoup.

Day 48: Today I learned about Selenium Webdriver for advance Web Scraping. By the end of today, I make automatic Cookie Clicker which click the cookie, and also solve some small challenges like Auto Sign Up, Interaction, Python Events.

Day 49: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Autometed Job Application Project using Selenium Webdriver, which applied for a job role in LinkedIn.

Day 50: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Autometed Tinder Swapping Project using Selenium Webdriver.

Day 51: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Autometed Twitter Complain Bot Project using Selenium Webdriver.

Day 52: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Autometed Instagram Follower Bot Project using Selenium Webdriver, which send follow request.

Day 53: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous Days. Today I create a Data Entry Job Automation Project using Selenium Webdriver and BeautifulSoup.

Day 54: Today I learned about Command Line, Python Decorators and Web Development with Flask. By the end of today, I completed a Exercise.

Day 55: Today I learned about Advanced Decorators, Rendering HTML, Parsing URLs and Flask Debugging. By the end of today, I completed a Higher Lower Game using Flask.

Day 56: Today I learned about Static files, HTML/CSS File Rendering and a Personal Site. By the end of today, I update My Personal Website and also make a Name Card using Flask.

Day 57: Today I learned about URL Building and Templating with Jinja in my Flask Application. By the end of today, I make a Blog Template and also do a Exercise using Flask and request module.

Day 58: Today I learned about Bootstrap. By the end of today, I make a TinDog Website using Bootstrap.

Day 59: Today I create a WebSite using Bootstrap, Flask and requests module called, Blog Templating.

Day 60: Today I update the previous days WebSite. I update the contact me form and connect it with SMTP so that the form works and the project name is Blog Templating.

Day 61: Today I learn about a Flask extension called Flask-WTF. By the end of today, I make a Flask-Secrete which keep a secret message, using what I learn today.

Day 62: Today I create a WebSite using what I learn till now called, Coffee and Wi-Fi that can store cafe data.

Day 63: Today I create a WebSite using what I learn till now called, Files Library that can store Book, Author name and Ratings.

Day 64: Today I create a WebSite using what I learn till now called, My Top 10 Movies WebSite that can store top 10 movies name that I watched.

Day 65: Today I learn about how to design WebSite and learn about four pillar of Web Design, Color Theory, Typography, User Interface Design, and User Experience Design. By the end of today, I make a Boiler WebSite using the concept of the four pillar called, THE HOTEL with the help of Canva.

Day 66: Today I learn about Building a full REST API from scratch using Flask, and make a project called, Cafe API.

Day 67: Today I'm going to take my blog website even further.In this website I add more HTTP routes so that I can create new blog posts, edit posts and delete posts. The project called, RESTful Blog.

Day 68: Today I learn about Flask Authentication and make a basic WebSite. The project called, Flask Auth.

Day 69: Today I'm going to take my blog website even further.In this website I add Authentication so that user can log in this blog website. The project called, Blog Website.

Day 70: Today I learn about how to Publish Our Flask Website and also Version Control in Git, upgrade the Database using SQLite. After all of this I learn how to publish my website using Heroku.

Day 71: Today I learn about Data Exploration with Pandas by Analysing the Post-University Salaries of Graduates by Major. The analysis called Data Exploration.

Day 72: Today I learn more about Data Exploration with Pandas and analyse the Popularity of Different Programming Languages over Time. The analysis called Programming Language.

Day 73: Today I learn to Aggregate and Merge Data in Pandas while Analysing a Dataset of LEGO Pieces. The analysis called Lego Analysis.

Day 74: Today I learn to Combine Google Trends with other Time Series Data. The analysis called Google Trends and Data Visualization.

Day 75: Today I Wrestle the Android App Store Data into Beautiful Looking Charts with Plotly. The analysis called Google Play Store Analysis.

Day 76: Today I learn about NumPy. The analysis called Computational with NumPy and N Dimensional Arrays.

Day 77: Today I learn about linear regression and seaborn. Today I'm looking at movie budget and revenue data. The analysis called Box Office Revenue.

Day 78: Today I analyse a dataset on the past winners of the Nobel Prize. The analysis called Nobel Prize Analysis.

Day 79: Today I analyse a dataset of Hand-washing Discovery at Vienna General Hospital. The analysis called Dr. Semmelweis Handwashing Discovery.

Day 80: Today I Analyse and explore the Boston house price data and perform Multivariable Regression. The analysis called Multivariable Regression and Valuation Model.