
Understanding interdependencies between the API Components and the back-end Service is critical for a successful business. The purpose of this tool is to assess an API Catalog on API Connect and return the dependencies between the APIs, Applications, Products, Plans and Backend Services in a simple and human-readable form.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

APICIA - API Connect Impact Analysis

Understanding interdependencies between the API Components and the back-end Service is critical for a successful business. The purpose of this tool is to assess an API Catalog on API Connect and return the dependencies between the APIs, Applications, Products, Plans and Backend Services in a simple and human-readable form.

├────>Policy Name operation-switch
│ └────>Policy Version - 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - barcodes : 1.0.1
│     ├────>API - CredToISA : 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - Payment Initiation APIs : v1.0.5
│     ├────>API - ISAMPSD2OauthProxy : 1.0.0
│     └────>API - Account Information APIs BOS : v1.0-rc4
├────>Policy Name gatewayscript
│ └────>Policy Version - 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - AResourceFlow : 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - InvokeURLtoVariable : 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - Analyses : 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - JWKS : 2
│     ├────>API - RegisterAPI : 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - Account Information APIs BOS : v1.0-rc4
│     ├────>API - FakeIntroRersource : 1.0.0
│     └────>API - JWKS : 1.0.0
├────>Policy Name apimockajson
│ └────>Policy Version - 1.0.0
│     ├────>API - AFakeIntrospect : 1.0.0
│     └────>API - FakeIntroSpect : 1.0.0
├────>Invoke Host - http://
│ └────>Invoke ContextRoute - /$(Invoke_URL)
│     └────>API - InvokeURLtoVariable : 1.0.0```

Using this tool, you can seamlessly review the back-end services and understand the critical dependencies of your APIs. This is beneficial for at-a-glance assessments and understanding of your APIc estate. APICIA is a node.js application which interacts with the API Connect via the command line through a series of commands which you run using the interactive interface provided by the application.


Once the repository has been cloned run npm install in the directoy with package.json

npm install

Then start the tool with

 node apicia.js

This will then provide an interactive interface to configure the tool. If you have already created a configuration file then use the following command.

 node apicia.js  --load config.file


node apicia.js [--json] [--load <path>] [--help]
--load <path> 		-	 Load Config from path
--json 			-	 print the response in JSON
--help  		-	 this message

Example Config

Here is an example of the JSON response file structure that can be used to configure the application.

~/$ cat .apicia
  "tempfolder": "tmp",
  "password": "BASE 64 Password",
  "username": "user@uk.ibm.com",
  "server": "managementserver.host.com",
  "organization": "demo",
  "catalog": {
    "sb": {
      "displayName": "Sandbox",
      "machineName": "sb"
  "displaySchema": [
    "Service - Server / QueueManager",
    "Service - ContextRoute / Queue",


~/$ node apicia.js  --load .apicia
✔ Logging in...
Begin downloadYamlForProduct function for sb
✔ Downloading Product sb:prod_methodfront-end:1.0.0 this may take a few minutes...
✔ Downloading Product sb:prod_123rufiyaa:1.0.0 this may take a few minutes...
✔ Downloading Product sb:prod_undefinedobject-based-implemented-handcrafted-cotton-mouse:1.0.0 this may take a few minutes...
Processing Complete for sb

Results of analysis:

	│	├────>API - Switchable : 1.0.0
	│	└────>API - Gateway users : 1.0.0
	│	├────>API - Chicken : 1.0.0
	│	└────>API - Agent : 1.0.0
	│	├────>API - Auto Loan Account Fantastic Wooden Towels : 1.0.0
	│	└────>API - supply-chains : 1.0.0
	 	├────>API - supply-chains Optimization : 1.0.0
	 	└────>API - scalable Concrete Granite : 1.0.0