
Runtime Environment for IBM API Connect gatewayscript tests in jest

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version


Mock the DataPower gatewayscript environment created by API Connect with Jest.


npm install --save-dev jest-environment-ibm-apiconnect


module.exports = {
    testEnvironment: "ibm-apiconnect",
    testEnvironmentOptions: {
      context: {
          "custom.variable.x": "Hello World" // This variable could be retreived by `apim.getvariable('custom.variable.x')`
    // Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test
    clearMocks: true,

And in your test files:


describe('my policy to test', () => {

  let apicMock;

  beforeEach(() => {
    apicMock = mockAPIConnect(jest);


Modules that are being mocked

  • apim
  • header-metadata (hm)
  • jose
  • jwt
  • service-metadata (sm)
  • system-metadata (sysm)
  • transform
  • urlopen

Global modules:

  • session
  • XML


Function Description
apicMock.apim.addINPUT(json, buffer) Pushes an input for apim stack to return when called by apim.readInputAsJSON/Buffer (LIFO)
apicMock.apim.setPolicyProperty(key, value) Sets a policy property before running a policy
apicMock.apim.setvariable(key, value) Sets a context variable *
apicMock.hm.setCurrentHeader(key, value) Sets a header to current *
apicMock.hm.getCurrentHeader(key) Gets the current header by key *
apicMock.hm.setResponseHeader(key, value) Sets a header to response *
apicMock.hm.getResponseHeader(key) Gets the response header by key *
apicMock.sm.serviceMetadata (Object) Can be set with values to be read by code (Only dotted notation is supported)
apicMock.sysm.setVariable(key, value) Sets a variable in system-metadata *
apicMock.sysm.getVariable(key) Gets a variable from system-metadata *
apicMock.urlopen.addUrlOpenResponse(statusCode, reasonPhrase, json, buffer) Push a mock response to the urlopen responses stack (LIFO)
apicMock.urlopen.addUrlOpenError(message) Push an error to the urlopen responses stack (LIFO)
apicMock.urlopen.defaultResponse (Object) The response object you get when the responses stack is empty (for assertions)
XML.parse(string) Parse string into a Document
XML.stringify(xmlDoc) Stringify a Document into a string
XML.query(xmlDoc, expression) ** Query a Document by an XPath expression
XML.load(...) ** Loads a file into a Document, Arguments are the same as path.join, so you can use it like: XML.load(__dirname, 'my.xml') (file is in same dir) , Returns Document.

* Without being traced, for setup phase (will not appear in Jest's call counters/records) ** Not used by gatewayscript, only for unit-test code.


See apiconnect-custom-policy-project-example