
Convert English Language to Devanagari Language using Phonetic Translation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Convert English Language to Devanagari Language using Phonetic Translation.

We recently launched a Nepali Unicode – श्री. ‘श्री’ because it is the first project under fortystones lab and श्री गणेश!
means starting a new thing. This is our first of many to-be products at fortystones ;) .

Converts English Language to Devanagari (Nepali, Hindi) Langugae.
Check https://prashish.wordpress.com/2011/07/28/%E0%A4%B6%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%80-nepali-unicode/
Live Site: http://lab.fortystones.com/nepaliunicode/

<h2>Why did we built it?</h2>

We didn’t really enjoy going to other websites for occasional नेपाली typing. So, we thought why not build one platform
ourself huh? I talked about it with @rabi_shah for the first time and he was like – DUH! We then worked for a month 
and walllaa.. the idea turned into reality at fortystones lab. Proud moment for fortystones team.

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