This project provides an easy way to import data from JSON files into DynamoDB table, or export data from DynamoDB table into JSON files. It also provides a data generation utility for quick testing.


DDBImport is a python script to import from JSON file into DynamoDB table.


python -r <region_name> -t <table_name> -s <source_file> -p <process_count>


python -r us-east-1 -t TestTable -s test.json -p 8

The script launches multiple processes to do the work. The processes poll from a common queue for data to write. When the queue is empty, the processes continues to poll the queue for another 60 seconds to make sure it does not miss anything.

It is safe to use 1 process per vCPU core. If you have an EC2 instance with 4 vCPU cores, it is OK to set the process count to 4. The BatchWriteItem API is used to perform the import. Depending on the size of the items, each process can consume approximately 1000 WCU during the import.

Tested on an EC2 instance with the c3.8xlarge instance type. The data set contains 10,000,000 items, with each item being approximately 170 bytes. The size of the JSON file is 1.7 GB. The DynamoDB table has 40,000 provisioned WCU. Perform the import with 32 threads, and the import is completed in 7 minutes. The peak consumed WCU is approximately 32,000 (average value over a 1-minute period).

It is recommended that you use either a fixed provisioned WCU or an on-demand table for the import. The import creates a short burst traffic, which is not friendly for the DynamoDB auto scaling feature. If you use provisioned capacity, remember that each process requires approximately 1000 WCU. If you use 8 processes to do the import, you need 8000 provisioned WCU on the table.


DDBExport is a python script to export data from DynamoDB table into JSON file.


python -r <region_name> -t <table_name> -p <process_count>


python -r us-east-1 -t TestTable -p 8

It is safe to use 1 process per vCPU core. If you have an EC2 instance with 4 vCPU cores, it is OK to set the process count to 4. Depending on the number of processes you use, DDBExport will create multiple JSON files as the output. The name of the JSON files will be Table-xxx.json.

Data Format

DDBImport/DDBExport uses regular JSON data format, one item per line, as shown in the example below. This allows the data to be used directly in other use cases, for example, AWS Glue and AWS Athena.

{"hash": "ABC", "range": "123", "val_1": "ABCD"}
{"hash": "BCD", "range": "234", "val_2": 1234}
{"hash": "CDE", "range": "345", "val_1": "ABCD", "val_2": 1234}

The JSON data must include the primary key of your DynamoDB table. In the above-mentioned example, attribute "hash" is the hash key and attribute "range" is the range key.

We also provide a data generation utility for testing purposes.


python -c <item_count> -f <output_file>


python -c 1000000 -f test.json
python -r us-east-1 -t TestTable -s test.json -p 8


You should also be aware of the following dynamodump project: