This is school task repository when I have started my step towards IT field. This repo carry all the task done during study. he task start from vaery basic to complex coding.
Task1_gasolineTask Description: The program asks the price of the gasoline and amount of money from the user. The program calculate how much gasolin the user gets with the money.
Js uses "document.getElementById" and use math to calculate how much gas the user will get.
Task2-ifElsePractice Description: -Military age check : This program ask user age and check whether he/she is valid for military age or not. -sum of the input number: user need to input three number and the program make it sum.
-Find Odd and Even number: user input number and the program display whether it is odd or even. - Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index ) - Salary calculator: using salay per hour and total hour the program calculate salary. first 7 hours by hourly salary - next 2 hours 50% extra - rest of the hours 100% extra
Task3_array Description: Insert car data and add to local repo and search car by licence plate no.
let carArray =[]; //new array for object
const addCar = (event) => {
Task4_mobileresponsive description: on scroll header color change. on mobile resbonsive nav element hide and mobilemenu icon display. On click mobile menu icon display nav elements
Description: Welcome to event count down page. The program calculate how many days left for event and also count business day. The program also stat countdown timer -
Task5_speedTest description: This is game app. The game starts with music and end with end music. game also have different speed level. the game allows user to inpute their name. The game end if user missed three chance.
description: Generate custome gradient background