

Primary LanguageHTML


Please find below instructions to run the automated test on your local machine -

Step 1: Goto my Github repository - https://github.com/rajeevcode/TestAutomation_using_Espresso

Step 2: Clone the entire source code repository to your local machine

Step 3: Open the Android Studio on your local machine

Prerequisite - 
   1. Android studio should be installed on your local machine
   2. Java 7 above version installed on your machine with set environment variables

Step 4: Select the option 'Open an existing Android Studio Project' in Android Studio'


Step 5: Add the Path to the downloaded source code project

Step 6: Click on next -> Next -> finish

Step 7: Wait till Gradel build is finished

Step 8: Goto folder path ->



Step 9: Right click on com.sourcey.materiallogindemo


Step 10: Click on Run 'Test in' com.sourcey.materiallogindemo


Step 11: It will ask option to run on Andorid Emulator, Geny Motion or Real devices


Step 12: Trigger the Test run

Step 13: You can see the automation script running in the console and on the target AUT(Application Under Test) Device


Step 14: Failed and Passed execution can be seen in the console and test script running can be seen on the target device.

Step 15: You can see the Test script execution logs and status in Console

Step 16: You can even run each Test Suite individually

Step 17: Right click on the Test Suite(Say 'Login Test') -> Click on Run 'Login Test'


Step 18: Each Test Suite can be run individually

Step 19: You can even run each and every test scenario seperately or can debug by clicking on green arrow as shown -


How to access Test Report:-

Step 1: Goto Run console

Step 2: Hover the mouse 'Export Test Result' (Box with Green Arrow pointing upward) -


Step 3: Click on Export Test Results as shown in screenshot -


Step 4: Select Export Test Results in either of the below mentioned format i.e. -

 - XML
 - Custom, apply XSLT 


Step 5: Check the option 'Open exported file in browser' and Click on 'OK'

Step 6: Now the status of Test Execution can be viewed in any browser as shown in below screenshot -
