Solstice is a security analysis framework for investigative smart contract examination. The first prototype of Solstice, code named W18 (see below for naming rationale), is a command-line tool which can be used to run 15 different static analyses on Solidity smart contracts. These cover a broad range of well-known security/software properties with Ethereum smart contracts today such as those dealing with reentrancy, exceptions, denial-of-service and uninitialised storage pointers.
- AddressXception@InfernoRed
- ald5000
- Bhargava-krishna
- cedricwalterPGP: DF52ADDAC81A08A6
- CephWu
- CosminNechiforCluj-Napoca
- diop@alchemex-labs
- FormatorErvin Marguc s.p.
- HaydnHou
- lojikil
- loredanacirsteaEurope
- ondratra
- Pypy233U of Utah
- rayeasterEarth
- sporejack@mycelium-ethereum @lions-mane @tracer-protocol
- vincentserpoulSingapore
- Virus-Bug
- WhaleChenxorder
- wpank@AhaniaCapital
- yuki1109PKU