
Explore and learn Syncfusion Blazor components using large collection of demos, example applications and tutorial samples

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Syncfusion Blazor Components Demos

This repository contains the demos of Syncfusion Blazor Components.

The below topics can help you to use the Syncfusion Blazor Components and run this application in your local

Requirements to run the demo

The samples requires the below requirements to run.

Using the demos

  • Open the command prompt from samples root directory.
  • Run dotnet restore and dotnet build.
  • Then Change the directory in to cd ej2-blazor-samples.
  • Run dotnet run.


All controls documentation for the Syncfusion Blazor Components can be found on Syncfusion Help.


Syncfusion Blazor Components (Essential JS 2) is available under the Syncfusion Essential Studio program, and can be licensed either under the Syncfusion Community License Program or the Syncfusion commercial license.

To be qualified for the Syncfusion Community License Program you must have a gross revenue of less than one (1) million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000.00 USD) per year and have less than five (5) developers in your organization, and agree to be bound by Syncfusion’s terms and conditions.

Customers who do not qualify for the community license can contact sales@syncfusion.com for commercial licensing options.

Under no circumstances can you use this product without (1) either a Community License or a commercial license and (2) without agreeing and abiding by Syncfusion’s license containing all terms and conditions.

The Syncfusion license that contains the terms and conditions can be found at https://www.syncfusion.com/content/downloads/syncfusion_license.pdf

Controls Catalog

DataGrid Pivot Table
Charts Circular Gauge Linear Gauge
Diagram Heatmap chart Maps
Range Selector Smith Chart Sparkline Charts
Rich Text Editor Word Processor
Scheduler Calendar DatePicker
Date Range Picker DateTime Picker Time Picker
Button Button Group Dropdown Menu
Progress Button Split Button
AutoComplete ComboBox Dropdown List
MultiSelect Dropdown
Accordion Context Menu Menu Bar
Sidebar Tabs Toolbar
TextBox Input Mask Numeric Textbox
Radio Button Checkbox Color Picker
File Upload Range Slider Toggle Switch Button
Avatar Card Dialog
ListView Tooltip
Badge Toast
PDF Viewer

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