
UI automation framework using Page Object Model & Singleton design patterns

Primary LanguageJava

UnifiedAutomation framework with Page Object Model & Singleton design patterns :

Tools & Frameworks used:

Eclipse Editor- Oxygen.2 Release(4.7.2),

TestNg framework- v6.14.3,

Design Pattern- Singleton Design Pattern of JAVA & Page Object Model,


Build Tool- Maven

Framework Understanding:

I have design the framework considering the application stablity and access to web elements and Functionalities.

I have used Singleton Design Pattern of Java to have one session of WebDriver. The implemented class is WebDriverSingleton.java inside "unified.automation.framework.Utility".

Respective Pages to store all webelements of ComputerHomePage.java, ComputerEditPage.java and ComputerCreationPage.java action inside test classes for ComputerApplicationCreationAndDeletionTest.java and ComputerApplicationCreationAndUpdationTest.java UI tests.

I am using TestNG framework to write my test for data driven test. TestInitialization.java class initialize the test for TestNG @BeforeTest pass the AUT URL and @AfterTest close all session of browser. Utilities.java class has all necessary methods that are needed for UI tests.

TestDataProviderClass.java is the Test data class for UI tests. TestNG @DataProvider annotation used for Parameterizing the tests.

config.properties file holds the URL of UI

Test Execution:

I have taken only high priority test cases for Automation tests and covered Creation, Deletion, Searching & Edit functionality for positive test cases.

Clone or download project from the GITHUB url to eclipse and right click on the testng.xml file inside the "com.unified.framework" project and run as TestNG Suite. Another way is run respective classes invdividually from IDE "ComputerApplicationCreationAndUpdationTest.java" and "ComputerApplicationCreationAndDeletionTest.java"

Note: I have developed in Windows OS, if you are running this project in Mac OS request to change in following two places.

  1. Inside 'WebDriverSingleton.java' class constructor where chromedriver.exe path has mentioned. Change the statement ' System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver",System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\chromedriver.exe"); ' to ' System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver",System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/chromedriver.exe"); ' as per Mac OS standard
  2. 'Utilities.java' class inside initConfig() method where config.properties file path has mentioned. Change the statement ' FileInputStream readConfig = new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "\\config.properties"); ' to ' FileInputStream readConfig = new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "/config.properties"); ' as per Mac OS standard