
This is an iOS app which display Canada news and feeds.

Primary LanguageSwift

Canada Feed App

This is an iOS app which display Canada news and feeds.

Architecture Pattern

Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM)

Dependency Manager - CocoaPod

Libraries used

  1. SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide

  2. Nuke - Nuke Nuke provides a simple and efficient way to download and display images in your app.


  1. Clone the project
  2. Open terminal and cd Xcode project folder location.
  3. Run below command in terminal
  4. pod install Make sure to install latest (1.7.2) Cocoapods in machine before running this command.
  5. Open CanadaFeed.xcworkspace file in Xcode10.2 or later version
  6. Build and Run the application!


Supported Xcode version - 10.2 and later

Minimum iOS deployment target - 12.0

Device : Universal App

Unit Test - CanadaFeedTests (XCTest)