
it is all about less-code development ;)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Performant, flexible and extensible engine for web & mobile user interface, dynamo, power of low-code development


the joy of development 🤩

To experience smoother frontend development, dynamo was created to build flexible dynamic user interface.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


dynamo, less-code development with high flexibility


  • Dynamic UI 🎉
  • Business Logic & UI changes on fly 🎉
  • Smooth Backend Integration 🎉
  • Absolutely one clean codebase 🎉
  • Multiple platforms (Web/Mobile) 🎉
  • More coming


First step is to install dynamo into your project. As long as this library still is private, you need to run full path installation such as below:

npm install --save https://github.com/yaser2us/dynamo

Note: Soon it will be accessable from Maybank Github repository 😉

Step 1 - Data Structure

dynamo is all about data structure.

The data structure generates any kind of data entry form (Payment/Transfer/Login) or display form such as listing (Transaction History/Accounts page). We have freedom to design our data object to render as form or page. It is an array of elements. Each element represents a component in screen by type.

Example: text as textbox, checkbox, button or custom name such as note, confirmationButtons or charts.

Note: we can define any name as type. There is no limitation to introduce types.

      "type": "select",
      "name": "paymentType",
      "label": "Payment Type",
      "value": "",
      "visible": true,
      "placeholder": "saving",
      "description": "IBFT sameday, GIRO tomorrow",
      "rule": { 
          "required": "please select payment type." 
      "options": [
          "label": "IBFT",
          "value": "IBFT"
          "label": "GIRO",
          "value": "GIRO"
      "type": "text",
      "name": "amount",
      "label": "Amount MYR",
      "value": "",
      "placeholder": "0.0 RM",
      "description": "The min amount is always 0.01 MYR",
      "visible": true,
      "rule": {
        "required": "amount is required.",
        "min": { "value": 0.01, "message": "min payment amount is 0.01 MYR" }

Step 2 - Components & Types

Once the data structure ready (the array of elements we discuss above), we need to bind our existing components into a dictionary of types.

dynamo uses dictionary to find and use each component for rendering.

 const componentsDictionary = {
    text: (props) => <Text {...props} />,
    checkbox: (props => <Checkbox {...props} />),
    switch: (props => <Switch {...props} />),
    select: (props => <Dropdown {...props} />),
    date: (props => <DatePick {...props} />),
    button: (props) => <Button {...props} />

Note: extra props will be added to your component runtime by dynamo.

Suggestion: we suggest to bind component without any container. later we have section to inject container for all components and types.

Step 3 - Rendering Callback

dynamo gives us freedom to manage element rendering. For example, like below, we can introduce function to customize rendering.

From legacy version of dynamo, we had to pass dictionary, however we can pass rendering function to have more customization such as injecting Container.

const renderComponent = (type, propsItems) => {

    // find the respective type from dictionary
    const selectedComponent = componentsDictionary && componentsDictionary[type];
    // to ensure it is not undefined
    // prevent rendering error
    if (selectedComponent === undefined) return null;
    // return component with container together
    return renderContainer(selectedComponent({ ...propsItems }))

Here, we create extra function to render container, just to have cleaner code ;)

const renderContainer = children =>
    <div className="inputContainer">

wow! we are almost there 😉

Step 4 - Managed Callbacks

dynamo can call any callback functions inside the element for seperating logic from presentation container, clean code and best practice.

Other form generators, they generate elements only, submit button is needed to be implemented seperatly as static code.

In dynamo, also you can apply same approach, however, button can be part of element array. Therefore we need to pass callback function such as below example.

 const managedCallback = async () => {
    //Get dynamo (form) values
    const formData = await myForm.current.getValues();

    //false means error is there
    //otherwise the data object returns
    if (!formData) return null;

    //just sample store data in component

    console.log('this is result from dynamo ;)', formData);
    return true;

Step 5 - Component Customization

dynamo needs component ready to bind to its rendering engine. To do so, dynamo inject necessary props runtime. All props are listed here such as:

props type description childs
error object dictionary of all errors
field object All necessary props has to bind to component ref, name, onBlur, onChange, value
index int element index in array
item object entire element props can be anything we introduce based on our requirement
managedCallback Function custom callback function can be anything we introduce based on our requirement

One basic example of having access to these props is demonstrated here.

const Text = (props) => {
  //Access to main props
  //Injected at runtime
  const { name, item, field } = props;

  //Always check to not render with error ;)
  if (item === undefined) return null;

  //Access to all props that introduced in element.
  const { placeholder } = item;
  return (

To have access to value, label, placeholder or others attributes, we can destructure from item.

  //Access to all props that introduced in element.
  const { placeholder, value, defaultValue, label } = item;
  return (

Done 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

We are done. now just run the project. We suggest to try Quickstart example to kickstart dynamo inside your project. Then try to change the dictionary and components one by one to have safe journey.


type Required Description Documentation Status
ref refrence ✓ bind reference to dynamo to call internal commands such as get values ✓
items array ✓ array of object ✓
components Function ✓ rendering element function ✓
managedCallback Async Function ✓ access to private function from inside common component


50% of requirements can be implemented by this example.

import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'

import { DynoBuilder } from 'dynamo'
import 'dynamo/dist/index.css'

import "./App.css";

import Button from "./Components/Button/Button";
import Text from "./Components/Textbox/Text";
import Checkbox from "./Components/Checkbox/Checkbox";
import Switch from "./Components/Switch/Switch";
import DatePick from "./Components/Date/DatePick";
import Dropdown from "./Components/Select/Dropdown";

function App() {

  //form data store
  const [data, setData] = useState()

  //Access to form
  const myForm = useRef({});
  //Form elements
  const [items, setItems] = useState([
      "type": "select",
      "name": "paymentType",
      "label": "Payment Type",
      "value": "",
      "visible": true,
      "placeholder": "saving",
      "description": "IBFT sameday, GIRO tomorrow",
      "rule": { "required": "please select payment type." },
      "options": [
          "label": "IBFT",
          "value": "IBFT"
          "label": "GIRO",
          "value": "GIRO"
      "type": "text",
      "name": "amount",
      "label": "Amount MYR",
      "value": "",
      "placeholder": "0.0 RM",
      "description": "The min amount is always 0.01 MYR",
      "visible": true,
      "rule": {
        "required": "amount is required.",
        "min": { "value": 0.01, "message": "min payment amount is 0.01 MYR" }
      "type": "text",
      "name": "ref1",
      "label": "Refrence 1",
      "value": "",
      "placeholder": "8888",
      "visible": true
      "type": "switch",
      "name": "recurring",
      "label": "Recurring",
      "value": "",
      "visible": true
      "type": "date",
      "name": "recurringDate",
      "label": "Recurring Date",
      "value": "",
      "visible": false,
      "preCondition": [{
        "name": "recurring",
        "value": "true",
        "type": 'eq',
      "type": "button",
      "name": "submit",
      "label": "Pay Now",
      "value": "",
      "visible": true

  const newComponents = {
    text: (props) => <Text {...props} />,
    checkbox: (props => <Checkbox {...props} />),
    switch: (props => <Switch {...props} />),
    select: (props => <Dropdown {...props} />),
    date: (props => <DatePick {...props} />),
    button: (props) => <Button {...props} />

  const renderContainer = children =>
    <div className="inputContainer">

  const renderComponent = (type, propsItems) => {
    const selectedComponent = newComponents && newComponents[type];
    if (selectedComponent === undefined) return null;

    return renderContainer(selectedComponent({ ...propsItems }))
    // return selectedComponent({ ...propsItems })

  const managedCallback = async () => {
    //Get dynamo form values
    const formData = await myForm.current.getValues();

    //false means error is there
    //otherwise the data object returns
    if (!formData) return null;

    //just sample store data in component

    console.log('this is result from dynamo ;)', formData);
    return true;

  return (
        style={{ padding: "2rem", marginTop: "2rem" }}>
        style={{ padding: "2rem", marginTop: "2rem" }}>
        <b>Result ;)</b>
          {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}

export default App;

Customise onChange

If we need to change value before update, we can use custom onChange function.


The customise function has to be assigned to element after destructing field to override onChange.

  const { label, options, placeholder, description } = item;
  const { value, onChange } = field;

  const customOnChange = (e) => {
    //Here we can customise value before submit
    const newValue = parseInt(e.target.value); 

  return (
      <Label {...props} />
      <Error {...props} />

Important Notes

  • Dont use local state for value. The value has to be managed by dynamo.


  • SME App (Beta Version) 🎉
  • Maybank2u (Legacy Version) 🎉
  • SME Web (MY, SG) upcoming 🎉


  • Complex scenario documentation
  • Scenario based Video
  • Adding more features


Thanks goes to all wonderful people, M2U, SME and engineering teams.


MIT © yaser2us