Name: Rajesh Kanna C

Assessment for TechMatrix, Maybank

npm install
npm start

note: API key is public, will be disabled in the future, please replace the api key in the reducer file (initial state)

Assignment: You need to design one simple single page and use Google Place Autocomplete to find places and show at map. the following requirements are compulsory.

1- The textbox must be an autocomplete action and get result from this API

( autocomplete)

2- You must use redux to store result and display all searches that user tries 3- You need to use one of following method in combination with Redux a. Redux Thunk b. Redux Promise c. Redux Saga d. Redux-Observable Epics

4- For UI you need to use Material Design Kit ( org/material-ui), make it simple and user friendly, use your creativity as Front-end

developer 5- Code structure is compulsory, use the best approach to manage folders, codes, naming and make sure it would be scalable.