
Spring Boot with Cassandra DB

Primary LanguageJava


Spring Boot with Cassandra DB

Open a command prompt(cmd) window and navigate to the bin directory of your Cassandra

PS C:\Users\Rajesh_Kawali> cd C:\setup\apache-cassandra-4.1.1\bin

Start the Cassandra DB

PS C:\setup\apache-cassandra-4.1.1\bin> cassandra

Open a new command prompt(cmd) and type cqlsh

PS C:\setup\apache-cassandra-4.1.1\bin> cqlsh

How to create Keyspace in Cassandra DB

cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor' : 1};

Keyspace is created. Now use created keyspace

cqlsh> use mykeyspace;

How to create table in Cassandra DB

cqlsh:mykeyspace> CREATE table user(id UUID PRIMARY KEY, firstName text, lastName text, age int, gender text, role text);

How to insert values to table

INSERT INTO user(id, firstName, lastName, age, gender, role) VALUES(12345, "Rajesh", "Kawali", 25, "male", "Software Engineer");

How to retrive data from db

cqlsh:mykeyspace> select * from user;

To drop a keyspace

cqlsh:mykeyspace> drop keyspace mykeyspace;

To drop a table

cqlsh:mykeyspace> drop table mykeyspace.user;