
In this porject, you will be creating a creating a paginated posts fetching app. Using this API endpoint, but it returns all 200 posts, so instead we will use this endpoint Where we can change the numbers for limit and page. We will only be changing numbers of page parameter,and showing only 5 results per page. So on page load hit the api for page 1 and display the 5 <Post> components. <Post> will have class "post" and and will display title of post in h3 and body in a p tag.

PaginationButtonList Component:- Since we know that there only 200 posts and 5 posts per page, we can stattically render all 20 buttons. Each button will have theire corresponding page-number inside as text. Also each button will have id as button-${page-number}.

The current active page's button will have class active-btn, So initially #button-1 will have active class, but upon clicking another page, it will be rmeoved from #button-1 and instead by put on the button clicked.

PostList Component:- This should contain fetching logic and will also display the posts and loading component with id="loader" when the data is loading. Also render the PaginationButtonList Component here.

So initially the page will show the loading component while data is loading for first request, when data fetching is complete,it will remove #loader element and show the 5 posts.