
Sample project to demonstrate NodeJS and Apache Kafka

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Sample project to demonstrate NodeJS and Apache Kafka (Windows)

Table of contents

  • Prerequisites
  • Configuration
  • Running Application
  • Project Structure


Tool Version
Node JS 8.11.x
kafka kafka_2.12-2.3.0
zookeeper zookeeper-3.5.5


  1. Update kafka server.properties


  2. Copy zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg and update dataDir (The directory where the snapshot is stored) value


  3. Start ZooKeeper

    Open a command prompt and type zkserver

  4. Start kafka service - Under kafka extracted directory

    kafka_2.12-2.3.0 >.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties

  5. Create two topics (As per configuration /config/config.development.js)


    kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic TEST_TOPIC

    kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic NODE_KAFKA

Running Application

  1. Under roor directory - Spin up kafka consumers

    node src/index.js

  2. To generate message

    node kafka-producers/node_kafka.producer.js

  3. Message received at kafka-consumer - NODE_KAFKA

    Log folder : node-apache-kafka/logs/node_topic_out.log

    Output : Message received at NODE_KAFKA. Message [ NODE_KAFKA ]

Project Structure

├── node-apache-kafka                                             
|   ├── /config                # Configuration files
|   ├── /kafka-consumers       # Kafka Consumers scripts
|   ├── /kafka-producers       # Kafka Producers scripts
|   ├── /logs                  # Log files
│   |   ├── *_out.log          # Stdout logs
│   |   ├── *.log              # Log
│   |   └── *_err.log          # Stderr logs
|   ├── /src                   # Source scripts
│   |   └── index.js           # Entry point file - _Spin up consumers_
|   ├── /node_modules          # Contains Node packages as specified as dependencies in package.json
│   |   ├── :                  # -|-
│   |   ├── :                  # -|-
│   |   └── :                  # -|-
│   ├── .gitignore             # git configuration to ignore some files and folder
│   ├── package.json           # Standard npm package specification
│   ├── LICENSE                # LICENSE information
└───└── README.md              # **node-apache-kafka** documentation