Assortment of code for model systems in computational physics. github.com/rajeshrinet/compPhy
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 573Leipzig
- azurahStefanini
- b2jiaLa Jolla, CA
- Chengcheng-XiaoImperial College London
- ConradBittState University of Ponta Grossa
- csqphy
- daviddesanchoUniversity of the Basque Country
- DavidRamosSalUniversidad Industrial de Santander
- devwolffEarth
- EmanuelFontellesdatarisk.io
- haibiao
- hamzamaryam
- hitliaomqJiangsu University of Science and Technology
- hungpham2017Mountain View, CA
- J0hnG4ltSpain
- jcma08
- JessicaJiangdx
- jgu1989University of Florida
- kamaltripathi3SR Lab, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble,
- ktwyw
- LeeLucky789789
- lnlsnb
- luxfabian
- meandmytramUniversité de Sherbrooke
- nosratullahGeneva, Switzerland
- nunolourencoUniversity of Coimbra
- OminiaVincit
- pranavkr29Capgemini Engineering R&D
- rajeshrinetIIT Madras
- suan12
- thonmaker
- timcornelissen
- willhaynes97
- yogoshea
- zacmon
- zqangqi