This repository contains projects made in BGE(Blender Game Engine) while learning to use it.
Blender Game Engine- Version 2.79
{ .blend is the file format }
Game Folder
movement.blend : It includes the concept of movement of an object through W A S and D keys.
first game.blend : It consist of the concept of movement along eith the collision. It is like player and coin game, where player collects the coin.
second game.blend : It is also based on concept of movement and collision. In this player has to dodge the objects falling from the above.
third game.blend : It involves concept of shooting along with movement and collision; and the concept of regenerating. In this player have to shoot a moving object.
fourth game.blend : In this game player shoot missiles from the spaceship on the moving meteorite. On collision meteorite breaks into two equal half and so on. Bullet is fired via SPACE key and movement is controlled via W A S and D keys.
final_game.blend : It is like a small computer game.Player have to shoot the moving objects in a particular time, and is rewarded additional time on hitting up an object.Hold left mouse button to move the player's arms and shoot a bullet via right mouse button. Player's movement can be controlles via W key and the mouse. (Note: Set the current scene to 'Start' before playing the game).
Model Folder
earth.blend : earth rendering (cycles)
texture.blend : tried to give realistic(kind of) textures(that is dirt,bumps etc.) to the floor in the render scene of street lamp and a chair.
wind-mill.blend : tried to make a realistic(kind of) scene with mountains, river and a wind-mill.