This project needs a maintainer. Open the Github issue if you want to help.
Open File Fast™ is a plugin for Netbeans IDE and JEdit which allows you to find and open file in the project within a second.
It is inspired by Textmate’s quick open file dialog however it has a lot more features. Basically it works like this: you type only several characters of filename you are searching for and you get list of all files matching your pattern. For example when you are looking for you can type fbj and you will find it. It really helps navigating through the project (especially bigger ones) as you don’t need to use a mouse nor locate filename visually in project tree but just use filename shortcuts.
- quick finding and opening any file from selected project
- two matching modes:
- smart (like in Textmate, matching filenames must contain all typed characters, they can be separated by other characters)
- exact (like Netbeans’ Go-To-File, matching filenames must contain exact phrase)
- matching from start of filename or anywhere in filename
- support for * wildcard in exact mode
- changing minimum entered pattern length needed for searching (default: 3)
- changing delay (time from last keystroke) after which searching starts (default: 300ms)
- optional cleaning of search input field when O-F-F window opens
- hiding files you don’t work on (matching specified regular expresions) from results
- moving less important files (matching specified regular expresions) to the bottom of results list
- results sorted by:
- file popularity (files opened frequently at the top of list)
- match accuracy (distance between characters from search phrase in matched filenames)
- opening multiple files at once (selected with ctrl/shift + mouse)
Open File Fast plugin installs itself in Netbeans’ Navigate menu as Open File Fast. I recommend creating a keyboard shortcut for it in Tools/Options/Keymap/Project.
When invoked it opens search dialog. Type some characters from filename you want to find. Some as you may skip any characters you want. Use * as a placeholder for any text. You can narrow down the search to files in specified directory by typing directory prefix followed by slash and then filename pattern (see example below).
For example type:
- user when looking for user.rb or
- ush when looking for users_helper.rb
- *.js when you want to list all javascript files (* is not needed here if “Matching from start of filename” is turned off in preferences)
- a/m/ when you want to list all files in app/models directory
- a/v/s when you are looking for show.html in app/views directory
For some screenshots look here
Open File Fast can be set up to your own preferences and to match your own workflow. You can configure it under Open File Fast tab in Netbeans’ Miscellaneous options.
Grab it here: off-netbeans-0.9.4.nbm (Netbeans version) or off-jedit- (JEdit version). If you want to help or just look into sources they’re on github .
If you found Open File Fast usefull and want to help in its further development you can spare few bucks via PayPal or use “Donate” button on project’s github page.
Thanks to Aliaksandr Kaushovik and Fabio Chelly for donating!