
MyFlicks: A web application providing users with access to info about movies, directors and genres. Users can register; update personal info; and, create a list of their favorite movies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Server-Side Pro Node

The "MyFlicks" Movie Website Project (including building an API) to demonstrate a foundational JavaScript skillset within a MERN stack.

This README provides an overview of the contains technical and content-related details about the server-side and client-side component of a React application called "myFlix". The REST API for "myFlix" is hosted online on Heroku and Netlify (https://distracted-elion-663925.netlify.app/) allowing registered / logged-in users access to information about different movies, directors, and genres.

The server-side of the application (server, business logic, business layers) uses JavaScript and Node.js including a REST API (custom-created) as part of an architected database built using Express, and MongoDB.

The REST API can be accessed via commonly used HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). CRUD (Create; Read; Update and/or Delete) is used to retrieve data from the database and store the accessed data in a non-relational way.



Allows, existing users; update their user info or delete their account Allows, existing users; add or remove movies to/from their list of favorites Allows, new users; create a user account Allows, users; get detailed information about a director by name Allows, users; get detailed information about a genre by genre name Allows, users; get detailed information about a single movie by movie title Allows, users; view a listing of all movies in the database


Bcrypt Body-parser Cors Express Express-validator Jsonwebtoken Mongoose Morgan Passport Passport-jwt Passport-local Uuid


Technical Details

The application - ... single-page application ... uses state routing to navigate between views and share URLs ... allows users option to filter movies ... allows users option to sort movies ... used Parcel as its built tool ... written using React library; ES2015+ and, React Redux ... utilizes Bootstrap as a UI library for styling and responsiveness ... combination of class components and function components ... hosted online: myFlix

Additional Features / Website Improvements -

  1. The current homepage minimalism would benefit from the UX being redesigned
  2. The delete favorite movie feature needs to be fully implemented
  3. A minimal number of demo movies are currently only offered in the database
  4. An additional layer of API-security is highly recommended
  5. Full-deployment to Heroku is pending

Demo Access Credentials - (LI) breakthru (PW) 12345