Pinned Repositories
Created an app in Node.js that uses to communicate with the user, and the user also needs to perform the login, where login functionality is implemented using the passport strategy.
The fantastic e-commerce website employs the axios package to retrieve an API response and share state data via the redux package. I have used the redux thunk as a redux middleware for async redux dispatch methods. I used the react router dom for routing, and the project also includes searching, limiting, and pagination of the products.
This repository provides solutions to various LeetCode binary array questions using the Java programming language. Each solution has detailed comments, which include a link to the original problem statement for understanding.
CRUD with GraphQL postgres using NestJs Freamwork
A modest project based on products, where users may create products and only the creators of those products can modify and eliminate them, as well as passport-local-strategy to store data into sessions using express-session.
This is a basic project that shows how to use the nestjs passport local strategy, along with graphql and express sessions.
A very complex project was made with PHP; it includes the admin panel as well. User must first register and complete email verification. User can view available books and download multiple books from them; Email is sent based on the multiple events. Books can only be published with the approval of admin. This project is also bundled with DataTable.
implemented the formik with yup to validate the form data using ReactJS, After successfully signing in, the user is redirected to the home page, where data has been stored in session storage, which can be used to persist the data even when the page is refreshed. When the user clicks the logout button, the session storage data is removed, and the us
A basic task tracker app that allows users to create, modify, and delete tasks using ReactJS and the functional and multiple components.
Advanced TODO app that uses react redux, react router dom, and thunk as redux middleware to allow users to complete or defer tasks, view analytics, add new TODOs, and bulk delete them.
rajgohil07's Repositories
This is a basic project that shows how to use the nestjs passport local strategy, along with graphql and express sessions.
The fantastic e-commerce website employs the axios package to retrieve an API response and share state data via the redux package. I have used the redux thunk as a redux middleware for async redux dispatch methods. I used the react router dom for routing, and the project also includes searching, limiting, and pagination of the products.
A modest project based on products, where users may create products and only the creators of those products can modify and eliminate them, as well as passport-local-strategy to store data into sessions using express-session.
CRUD with GraphQL postgres using NestJs Freamwork
Created an app in Node.js that uses to communicate with the user, and the user also needs to perform the login, where login functionality is implemented using the passport strategy.
A very complex project was made with PHP; it includes the admin panel as well. User must first register and complete email verification. User can view available books and download multiple books from them; Email is sent based on the multiple events. Books can only be published with the approval of admin. This project is also bundled with DataTable.
implemented the formik with yup to validate the form data using ReactJS, After successfully signing in, the user is redirected to the home page, where data has been stored in session storage, which can be used to persist the data even when the page is refreshed. When the user clicks the logout button, the session storage data is removed, and the us
A basic task tracker app that allows users to create, modify, and delete tasks using ReactJS and the functional and multiple components.
Advanced TODO app that uses react redux, react router dom, and thunk as redux middleware to allow users to complete or defer tasks, view analytics, add new TODOs, and bulk delete them.
This repository provides solutions to various LeetCode binary array questions using the Java programming language. Each solution has detailed comments, which include a link to the original problem statement for understanding.
JWT with GraphQL using typeorm in Nestjs
JavaScript Higher Order Functions & Arrays
This Github repository contains my solutions to various LeetCode array questions. I've included a link to the original LeetCode problem and brief overview of the problem. In addition, Each solution code file is heavily commented to explain the logic.
Use logic to perform manual validation on the form page using reactjs; after registration, the user is redirected to the homescreen where user data is stored on local storage; refreshing the page keeps the user on the same homepage; and clicking the logout button destroys the user data, returning the user to the signup page.
CRUD with postgres using NestJs Freamwork
The project Related to MongoDB
Various C++ pattern Dynamics programs like NxN matrics And Different Kinds of pyramids and * patterns(Dynamic).
This project uses the functional component of React, in which the user can add, edit, or delete the cities inside the state listing.
The static pages of the sign-up and login pages were built with React without using any additional packages for best CSS practices.
TODO App, which allows us to add new tasks and mark them as complete or incomplete by using the useReducer, useContect, and useRef hooks.