
:octocat: A curated list of awesome express.js resources

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Curated list of express.js resources









  • Expressa - express middleware for easily making REST apis
  • morgan - log each request
  • cors - enable CORS
  • body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware
  • multer - Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data
  • session - simple session middleware for Express
  • compression - compress response bodies for all request that traverse through the middleware
  • express-youch - Dev-friendly error reporting middleware
  • errorhandler - development-only error handler middleware
  • serve-favicon - favicon serving middleware
  • csurf - Node.js CSRF protection middleware
  • Passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication
  • Merror - A RESTful-friendly Express Middleware for HTTP error handling and error responses
  • optic-document-express - Document express APIs from your integration tests
  • stats - Request statistics middleware that stores response times, status code counts, etc
  • swagger-stats - API Telemetry and APM - Trace API calls and Monitor API performance, health and usage statistics in Node.js Microservices
  • express-routes-catalogue - A simple utility that lists out all registered routes in your express application.
  • tweenz - A library for writing Express middleware, inspired by Pyramid tweens.
  • express-sharp - Real-time image processing for your express application
  • express-actuator - Middleware with endpoints to help you monitor and manage applications through healthchecks
  • express-decorator-router - Use decorators in a simple way without transpiling Javascript code
  • sonic-express - Automate generating swagger docs for your API endpoints without writing any docs
  • express-pino-logger - Use the fast, low overhead Pino logger to log each request.
  • express-validator - express-validator is a set of express.js middlewares that wraps validator.js validator and sanitizer functions.
  • express-response-hooks - Intercept and mutate responses before they are sent to the client


  • apitally - Client library for Apitally, a simple API monitoring & analytics tool with alerting for Express.


  • ExpressGateway - a microservices API Gateway built on top of ExpressJS



  • Kraken.js - kraken is a secure and scalable layer that extends express by providing structure and convention



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