Rajit's notes


  • Phone number format is always ###-###-###
  • Durations don't need to be validated/sanitised (e.g. values will never be negative)
  • Report can use HALF_EVEN rounding and print costs to 2 decimal places
  • Only needs to read calls.log in src/main/resources (e.g. hard-coded, not parameterised)
  • Phone numbers can be compared without being cleaned up and don't require normalisation (e.g. don't need to trim whitespace)
  • Calls of exactly 3 minutes should be charged at £0.0003/second
  • Should ignore lines that cause errors and continue with report
  • Should silently ignore blank lines


Either run without arguments (to read from ./src/main/resources/calls.log):

$ sbt run

or specify file to read:

$ sbt run -- /path/to/file/calls.log

Original task instructions below >

Phone Company

Each day at The Phone Company a batch job puts all the customer calls for the previous day into a single log file of:

'customer id','phone number called','call duration'

For a customer the cost of a call under 3 minutes is 0.05p/sec, over 3 minutes it is 0.03p/sec. However, there is a promotion on and the calls made to the phone number with the greatest total cost is removed from the customer's bill.


Write a program that when run will parse the calls.log file and print out the total cost of calls for the day for each customer. You can use any libraries you wish to.