
Back end for the Battle of the blues app

Primary LanguagePHP

Battle of The Blues Backend

Provides score updates and analytics for the official BOTB Android application.
Adapted from 2014 backend done by @chamathpali
Android app on Google Play


  1. Install redis http://redis.io/topics/quickstart
  2. Configure swappiness
  1. Install phpredis https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis#installation
  2. Enable mysql query caching. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/enable-the-query-cache-in-mysql-to-improve-performance.html
  3. Install supervisord http://supervisord.org/installing.html
  4. Start workers by supervisord -c supervisord.conf


  1. Supervisord monitoring http://localhost:9001
  • /commentary : List of commentaries.
  • /stats : Current match stats.
  • /trigger_push : Send score push