
Tooling to allow streamdeck to communicate with a Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS) instance running in a different computer

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS) Websocket Forwarder for Streamdeck

What is it

It is well documented that Streamlabs OBS exposes an authenticated websocket API for remote control. However, there is also an un-authenticated "local-only" websocket listening on localhost:28194 of the machine that SLOBS is running. This interface allows any application that is running on the same computer as the SLOBS to control it with no restriction. This project contains a set of utilities that allow you to forward this socket to a remote computer so that software that likes to control SLOBS with this websocket can still happily do it from a remote machine without having to support the "authenticated" remote API. (I'm looking at you StreamDeck)

How it works

Are there any less-jank solutions?


  • One could probably pester Corsair (Streamdeck developers) to add the remote functionality to the SLOBS plugin that comes with it.
  • One could write their own remote SLOBS plugin that replicates all the functionality of the Streamdeck's built-in plugin.
  • One could potentially write a websocket proxy that connects to the authenticated SLOBS websocket and expose it in the local machine as an unauthenticated endpoint.


On both the host and the remote machines, download the files in the repository and place them in a permanant location. The helper scripts will install the tunnel software with correct configuration and configure them to run automatically as windows services.


This is the machine that will be running SLOBS.

Since we are exposing the streamdeck unauthenticated API over the network, it's always a good idea to make sure that only specified IPs can connect to it. If you don't care about security you can ignore the following steps and directly run the intall bat.

  • Open the install_host.bat in your favorite text editor.
  • Find the line set remoteIp= and add your "client" (the machine wihch the streamdeck will be connected to) IP there.
  • Save the file.

Now, to install the service that will expose the streamlabs port, right click on install_host.bat and select Run as Administrator


This is the machine that has the streamdeck software running.

  • Open the install_remote.bat in your favorite text editor.
  • Find the line set slobsHost= and specify the IP of the host (the machine that runs SLOBS).
  • Save the file.

Install the service by right clicking on install_remote.bat and selecting Run as Administrators


To remove the services that was installed simply run the corresponding delete_*.bat scripts as administrator.


This project uses few opensource softwares.