
Custom-php-admin for dashboard with CRUD operations

Primary LanguagePHP


custom-php-admin for dashboard with CRUD operations


custom-php-admin application is flexible and provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data built on core PHP.

custom-php-admin is an inspiration from Rails admin. Hyperlink is https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin


It is composed of the following features: Display database tables Create new data Easily update data Safely delete data Custom actions Sorting and filtering Export data to CSV/JSON/XML


1.Open the config_db.php file and update the configuration information (with your localhost name, dbusername, dbpassword and database )

$server = " ";
	$username = " ";
	$password = " "; // if any
	$database = " "; // where you want your table to save 

2.Create table for admin members and history table by using file custom_php_admin.sql .

4.After this view at: http://localhost/custom-php-admin by login with your username and password (username:admin and password:admin).


You must have PHP 5.0 or greater installed.


Below is a list of files used in this application:

index.php - This is the file for user login form

dashboard.php - This is the file for showing row count of table with progress bar.

listadd.php - This file contains all the model work to work with this application.

show_edit.php - This file works with displaying individual record that the user enter the database.

function.php - This file is works with filtering process.

csv.php,xml.php, json.php - These files works with export data respective authentication forms.

pagination.php - This file works with pagination for data records entered to database.

logout.php - In this file , the session will be destroyed and redirects to Custom-php-admin.php page.

includes/css - This file contains the StyleSheet used to beautify our application.

includes/images -Tthis file contains all relevant images included in this application.

includes/js - This file contains all js file that is included in the application.

custom_php_admin.sql - This file contains the data to create admins table and history table.

datarecords addnew export history show edit delete History filter multidelete