

Ensure that NDDSHOME is defined

  • On Unix, for example:

    export NDDSHOME=/opt/rti/NDDSHOME # path to RTI Connext Installation

Change to the working directory:

		cd build/

Build all the application components:


Build a specific application component :

        make <app>

Cleanup (the build/ directory):

		make clean


Lua Apps

Open a terminal window for an application component and run the

       make run/lua/<app>

RTI Connext Tools

Open a 'rtiddspy' window on domain N

		make run/spyN

Launch the RTI Admin Console

  • view the system configuration

  • subscribe to topics on interest


Objective State


  • run as many as you want

    make run/lua/effector
  • kill as many as you want

  • as long as one is up and running, the Current State is always available


  • requester.xml: change minimum separation to throttle speed

    • default = 1 sec; to observe the state machine slow down to 10+sec
  • For each requester, pick a partition

  • Run a requester, e.g. for partition "A":

    make PARTITION=A run/lua/requester
  • Run another requester, e.g. for partition "B":

    make PARTITION=B run/lua/requester
  • Run as many requesters as you want

    • Shapes Demo easily allows 4 partitions out-of-the-box: A, B, C, D

Shapes Demo: Current State

  • Subscribe to Triangle: EXCLUSIVE, TRANSIENT_LOCAL, RELIABLE, HISTORY depth = 1
  • Start as may of these as you want (at least 2)
    • all should show the same (consistent) state

Shapes Demo: Proposed and Accepted Topics

  • Subscribe to Square: EXCLUSIVE, TRANSIENT_LOCAL, RELIABLE, HISTORY depth = #requesters
  • Subscribe to Circle: SHARED, TRANSIENT_LOCAL, RELIABLE, HISTORY depth = #requesters x #effectors

Shapes Demo Command Input x #requesters

  • For each requester launch a Shapes Demo
    • pick a partition (A, B, C, D) and size for it
      • vary size to distinguish different command inputs for same color
  • Publish Square on that partition with the selected size
  • Demo Scenarios
    • put a shape in each corner; if colors are same for two, should see bouncing between them symmetrically in a predictable pattern
    • add new colors as desired (vary the size on different partitions)

File Organization


A suggested directory structure for organizing a data-centric distributed system architecture.

The component interfaces, common services, and application components are organized according to the following directory structure to maximize openness and system evolution overtime.

The scheme is intended to support multiple versions if interfaces, components, and launch configurations.


  • dm/ : the data models repository (organization wide or public)

    • types/ : the datatype definitions
      • .idl : IDL files
      • .xml : XML files
    • qos/ : the qos profiles
  • if/ : the project data-oriented component interfaces

    • domains/ : the data domains organized into topics
      • domain id not hardcoded
        • e.g. ShapeDomain/ : the topics in ShapeDomain
    • participants/ : the data-oriented interfaces
  • svc/ : the project configurations for common services

    • ps/ : persistence service configurations
    • rs/ : routing service configurations
    • qs/ : queuing service configurations
    • rec/ : recording service configurations
    • rep/ : replay service configurations
    • db/ : database integration service configurations
    • web/ : web integration service configurations
  • src/ : project source code for applications a.k.a components

    • lua/ : apps in lua
      • e.g. ChatApp/ : the Chat app in Lua
    • cpp/ : apps in lua
      • e.g. ChatApp/ : the Chat app in Java
    • java/ : apps in lua
      • e.g. ChatApp/ : the Chat app in Java

    App/ : an application component 'launcher' working directory

    • Has a local USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml for application specific initialization or overrides
    • application specific 'properties' can be initialized here via property qos
    • Working directory, so that each component can have a separate USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml
    • Multiple components can implement the same interface
  • run/ : scripts to deploy and run apps and services in the correct sandbox

    • run_X/ : launch configuration X

    Scripted in Lua, to support all the platforms using a single set of scripts - Download lua from - OR used the lua shipped with NDDS