Ethereum Roullette


  • Solidity
  • Javascript
  • Node.js (Express, Mysql2, Sequelize)
  • Truffle
  • Ganache
  • Metamask

Clone and Configuring Dapp

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Download Truffle
  3. Download Ganache
  4. Configure Ganache using truffle-config.js from source directory


  • Add Metamask as an extension to your browser
  • Create an account
  • Configure Metamask with Ganache

Deploy the contract

In the src directory

  1. install dependecies:
npm install
  1. Compile the contract:
  truffle compile --all
  1. Deploy the contract:
  truffle migrate

Update ABI and Contract address

  1. Navigate to: client/src/contracts
  2. Open Roulette.json
  3. Copy the ABI and Contract Address
  4. Navigate to client/src/config.js
  5. Update ROU_ABI and ROU_ADDRESS
  6. Navigate to bot/index.js

Video Walkthrough:

Video Walkthrough

Running the Bot

Steps to deploy the bot

The bot serves as the casino. The Metamask account used to deploy the contract will serve as the casino.

Important The bot must be configured to the same Metamask account used to deploy the contract

  • Make sure you are in a new terminal window
  1. Navigate to 'bot' directory, from source folder run: cd bot
  2. On this directory, run to install dependecies: npm install
  3. Create a new.env file and copy contents of .env.example file into it
  4. Configure .env variables
    • RPC_URL is the network url that your Metamask Account is connected to. You can get ganache's RPC in the top menus where it says RPC SERVER
    • PRIVATE_KEY is the private key of your Metamask Account for the casino (should be different from the player's account)
    • ACCOUNT is the account address of the Metamask account
  • On 'bot/index.js' update abi and contract address (copy these from 'client/src/config.js')
  • Run command npm run start

How does the bot work?

  1. Casino will deploy the contract
  2. The bot will check the casino deposit amount and deposit money automatically to ensure that the deposit is not below the minimum
  3. The bot will first reset the game
  4. The bot will then generate a random number and random hash, hash them together, and send the commitment has to the contract
  5. The bot will wait two minutes, then reveal the winning number, the casino will automatically payout
  6. The bot will reset the game and repeat the process

After the contract is deployed:

  1. Deploy bot
  2. Bot will deposit 1 ether
  3. Player will join contract by switching account addresses
  4. During the betting phase player can place their bets
  • Player can remove or see their current bets on the table

Server (Back End)

  • In the cloned the repository files, server/app/config/db.config.js should look like this:
  module.exports = {
    HOST: "",
    USER: "freedbtech_rou",
    PASSWORD: "1807Mich@3l",
    DB: "freedbtech_rousp",
    dialect: "mysql",
    pool: {
      max: 5,
      min: 0,
      acquire: 30000,
      idle: 10000

this will run the server on a hosted server.

  1. Create a new terminal window
  2. Navigate to 'server' directory: cd server from src folder
  3. Run npm install, this install all the project dependecies.
  4. Run node server.js which starts the app backend in development mode.
  5. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser. The page will show you the message {"message":"Welcome to Rou application by Lette."}

Client (Front End)

  1. Create a new terminal window
  2. Navigate to 'client' directory: from source folder run cd client
  3. Run npm install, this install all the project dependecies.
  4. npm start, which starts the app front-end in development mode.
  5. Automatically will open http://localhost:8081 in the browser.The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Testing (Back End)

Steps for testing the contract;


Note if you do not have truffle installed, you should follow the steps down below to install truffle on your machine. After installing truffle, you can follow the steps of viewing the available test files for the contract

Steps for testing the contract;

  1. To begin the testing process, one must run the testrpc client from the terminal, which starts the server to connect the contract to the testing file.
  2. Open a new terminal window and run truffle develop to deploy the contract.
  3. Then use the command test to see all the available tests written in the javascript file.
  4. There should be 12 available test files to view.


Install yarn if you haven't already:

npm install -g yarn

Getting Started

Download zip file or git clone repo:

git clone

Navigate into the directory in terminal:


Run dev build

In terminal run:

yarn dev

Navigate to localhost:9000/port specified in your terminal

To view Browsersync settings navigate to localhost:3001

Compile to a production build

In terminal run:

yarn build

Navigate to ./build folder for the compiled files.




General (Front & Backend):