
Very simple app for tweeting a message to twitter wall. You can either use it in commandline to tweet your message or Save your tweets in tweet_stack.py and tell the cronjob to automatically send tweets for you. ~ Enjoy Tweeting

Primary LanguagePython


A Very simple app for tweeting a message to twitter wall and get your friends tweets. You can either use it in command line to tweet your message or Save your tweets in tweet_stack.txt and tell the cronjob to automatically send tweets for you. ~ Enjoy Tweeting


Commandline usage:

Copy the tweet script file to your /usr/bin/ directory

To Tweet a tweet:

To Get your friends's recent tweets:

  • $ tweet -g

To Get the recent tweets of a particular user(s):

Automate your Tweets:

Open your terminal and follow the steps below,

step1: $ crontab -e

step2: Add the line

0,30 * * * * python ~/snowfall/snowspace/Tweet-It-For-Me/tweet_it_for_me.py

and save the cronjob file.

step3: Save your tweet messages one per line in the tweet_stack.txt

step4: Just go and do your work or sleep :-).. your messeges will be one by one in 30 minute intervals.


  • You must register for Twitter API and fill your API credentials in the credentials.json file

  • snowfall/snowspace/Tweet-It-For-Me/tweet_it_for_me.py is where I saved my files, you give your file path in both cronjob and tweet script file also.