
The installation package for installing Codewind into an editor

Primary LanguageGoEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Codewind Command Line Interface (CLI)

Install Codewind on MacOS or Windows. Prebuilt binary files are available for download on Eclipse.

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Table of Contents

Before starting

Ensure that you are logged in to Docker. Type docker login into a command line window and follow the instructions.

Downloading the release binary file for:


  1. Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command line window.
  3. If the binary file has the .dms extension, remove the extension so that the file is named cwctl-macos.
  4. Enter the chmod +x cwctl-macos command to give yourself execution permissions for the binary.
  5. If you already have a codewind-workspace with your projects in it, copy it into your /Users/<username> home directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty workspace for you in this directory.
  6. Type ./cwctl-macos in the command line window to run the CLI.
  7. To run a command, enter ./cwctl-macos <command>.


  1. Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command line window.
  3. If necessary, remove any file extensions so that the file is named cwctl-linux.
  4. Enter the chmod +x cwctl-linux command to give yourself execution permissions for the binary.
  5. If you already have a codewind-workspace with your projects in it, copy the workspace into your $HOME home directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty workspace for you in this directory.
  6. Install docker-compose with Install Docker Compose.
  7. To run the CLI, enter ./cwctl-linux in the command line window.
  8. To run a command, enter ./cwctl-linux <command>.


  1. Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command prompt.
  3. Ensure that the binary file has an .exe extension. If it doesn't, add the extension to the file name.
  4. Ensure that your C:\ drive is shared with Docker Desktop for Windows. To check, go to Settings>Shared drives and make sure the C:\ drive check box is selected.
  5. If you already have a codewind-workspace with your projects in it, copy the codewind-workspace into your C:\ directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty one for you in this directory.
  6. To get started and see the commands that are available, type the .\cwctl-win.exe command in the command prompt.
  7. To run a command, enter .\cwctl-win.exe <command>.

Building and deploying locally on MacOS

  1. Ensure that you have a Go environment set up. If you don't yet have a Go environment, see Install Go.
  2. If you have Brew, use the following commands to install dep for MacOS:
$ brew install dep
$ brew upgrade dep
  1. Create the directory tree expected ../go/src/github.com/eclipse.
  2. Use the cd command to go to the eclipse directory that you previously created.
  3. After you go to this directory, clone the repository by typing git clone https://github.com/eclipse/codewind-installer.git.
  4. Use the cd command to go to the project directory and install the vendor packages with the dep ensure -v command.
  5. Build the binary and give it a name with the go build -o <binary-name> command. To build a binary without the debug symbols, use the go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o <binary-name> command.
  6. Copy your codewind-workspace into your /Users/<username> home directory.
  7. Type ./<binary-name> in the command line window to run the CLI.
  8. To run a command, enter ./<binary-name> <command>.

Creating a cross-platform binary

  1. Use the go tool dist list command to get a list of the possible GOOS/ARCH combinations available to build.
  2. Choose the GOOS/ARCH that you want to build for and then enter GOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build to create the binary. To build a binary without the debug symbols, use the GOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build -ldflags="-s -w" command.

Running the Tests

Integration tests (Bats-core tests)

  1. Set up your environment by installing bats-core as per the bats-core instructions found at https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core.
  2. Clone the codewind-installer repository.
  3. Use the cd command to go to the top level project directory.
  4. Ensure your system environment is clean by having no Codewind images installed or containers running.
  5. To run the tests, enter the bats integration.bats command in the command line window and wait for the tests to finish.

Unit tests

All tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories

$ go test ./...

All tests from a package (e.g. utils)

$ go test github.com/eclipse/codewind-installer/utils

All tests from a package (e.g. utils) whose names match a regex

$ go test github.com/eclipse/codewind-installer/utils -run ^(TestDetermineProjectInfo)$ # or ^(DetermineProjectInfo)$
$ go test github.com/eclipse/codewind-installer/utils -run ^(TestDetermineProjectInfo)$


In VSCode, the UI and Command Palette provide easy ways to run specific packages and tests
If tests pass, go test will just report that tests passed


ok  	github.com/eclipse/codewind-installer/utils

To see more details, use go test -v.

Test coverage

$ ./test.sh -coverage

This is the same as go test ./..., but outputs test coverage scores for each function, package, and an overall score.


CLI Commands

Command Alias Usage
project 'Manage Codewind projects'
install in 'Pull pfe & performance images from dockerhub'
start 'Start the Codewind containers'
status 'Print the installation status of Codewind'
stop 'Stop the running Codewind containers'
stop-all 'Stop all of the Codewind and project containers'
remove rm 'Remove Codewind/Project docker images and the codewind network'
templates 'Manage project templates'
sectoken st 'Authenticate with username and password to obtain an access_token'
secrealm sr 'Manage new or existing REALM configurations'
secclient sc 'Manage new or existing APPLICATION access configurations'
seckeyring sk 'Manage Codewind keys in the desktop keyring'
secuser su 'Manage new or existing USER access configurations'
connections con 'Manage connections configuration list'
help h 'Shows a list of commands or help for one command'

Command Options:


--url/-u <value> - URL of project to download


bind - Bind a project to Codewind for building and running

Flags: --name,-n value Project name --language,-l value Project language --type,-t value Project Type --path,-p value Project Path --conid value Connection ID

sync - Synchronize a bound project to its connection

Flags: --path,-p value Project Path --id,-i value Project ID --time,-t value Time of last project sync

connection/con - Manage the connection targets for a project

set,s - Sets the connection for a projectID

Flags: --id,i value Project ID --conid value Connection ID

get,g - Gets connections for a projectID

Flags: --id,i value Project ID

remove,r - Removes the connection from a projectID

Flags: --id,i value Project ID


--tag/-t <value> - Dockerhub image tag (default: "latest")
--json/-j - Specify terminal output


--tag/-t <value> - Dockerhub image tag (default: "latest")
--debug/-d - Add debug output


--json/-j - Specify terminal output


Note: No additional flags


Note: No additional flags


--tag/-t <value> - Dockerhub image tag.
Note: Failing to specify a --tag, will remove all Codewind images on the host machine.


Note: No additional flags


list/ls - List available templates



get/g - Authenticate and obtain an access_token.

Note 1:: The preferred way to authenticate is by supplying just the connection ID (conid) and username. In this mode the command will use the stored password from the platform keyring Note 2:: If you dont have a connection ID (conid) you must supply use the host, realm and client flags Note 3:: You can use a combination of both the connection ID (conid) and host/realm/client flags. In this mode, the host/realm/client flags take precedence override the connection defaults Note 4:: The password flag is optional when used with the connection ID (conid) flag and when a password already exists in the platform keyring. Including the password flag will update the keychain password after a successful login or add a password to the keychain if one does not exist

Flags: --host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --username value Account Username --password value Account Password --client value Client --conid value Use connection details from a connection configuration



create/c - Create a new realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)

Flags: --host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --newrealm value Application realm to be created --accesstoken value Admin access_token



create/c - Create a new client in an existing Keycloak realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm where client should be created --newclient value New client ID to create --redirect value Allowed redirect callback URL eg:* --accesstoken value Admin access_token

get/g - Get client id (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --clientid value Client ID to retrieve --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password

secret/s - Get client secret (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --clientid value Client ID to retrieve --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password



update/u - Add new or update existing Codewind credentials key in keyring

--conid <value> Connection ID (see the connections cmd) --username <value> Username --password <value> Password

validate/v - Checks if credentials key exist in the keyring

--conid <value> Connection ID (see the connections cmd) --username <value> Username



create/c - Create a new user in an existing Keycloak realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to add

get/g - Gets an existing Keycloak user from an existing realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to query

setpw/p - Reset an existing users password (requires either admin_token or username/password)

--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to query --newpw value New replacement password



add/a - Add a new connection to the list

Flags: --label value A displayable name --url value The ingress URL of the PFE instance

get/g - Get a connection using its ID

Flags: --conid value The Connection ID to retrieve

remove/rm - Remove a connection from the list

Flags: --conid value A connection id

list/ls - List known connections

Note: No additional flags

reset - Resets the connections list to a single local connection

Note: No additional flags


--help/-h - Shows a list of commands or help for one command


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  1. Submitting issues
  2. Contributing