
Ansible playbook for Jenkins

Primary LanguageGroovy


  1. Ansible installed - https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/intro_installation.html
  2. Vagrant installed (only for local-testing) - https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html

Steps to test on vagrant box

  1. Run $ vagrant up for getting vagrant box up and running
  2. Rename ansible.cfg.example to ansible.cfg and update value of private_key_file with ssh_private_key value of vagrant box that can be retrieved from $ vagrant ssh-config
  3. Rename hosts.example to hosts
  4. Run command $ ansible-playbook -vvv site.yml, in the output of this command at "Get Admin Password" stage copy Jenkins inital password from stdout_lines key.
  5. Enter intial password at http://:8080