
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Movie/Tv Shows application using ReactJs, Redux, webpack

Installing and Running

To start, make sure you're in the movie_app folder in command-line.

# Install Node Modules
npm install

# Start the Server
npm start

The server will be available at localhost:8080 and the application available in localhost:8080/home

Implementation Details


It uses a very simple webpack-dev server. The npm start step will launch the server so you can visit localhost:8080 in the browser to see the guide. Type CTRL+C to stop the server, and remember that only one guide can be ran at any given time since you'll cd to each guide and run its server separately.


Webpack is a bundler that allows you to author multiple JavaScript files and have them bundled into one file for sending to the browser.


Babel will tell Webpack how to convert ES6 (and even ES7) code to ES5. You might ask why we would want to write in future versions of JavaScript that aren't even fully supported? Well, there's new JavaScript syntax which is really nice to use. Plus, ES6 was finalized in 2015, which is why it's also called ES2015. So why should we have to wait for all browsers to catch up to a standard that's from 2015?

Many React guides use ES6, so getting familiar with it will also help you learn React. Also note that the a common way to use Babel is to put it's list of desired "presets" in a .babelrc file. This is the strategy that we're using and this file is already created for you.

#State Management Following concepts used



combined reducers






Dashboard contains Top movies, TV shows and Popular Celebrities

Detailed Page

 Give the Movie/TvShow complete Details

People Detailed Page

 Give the Celebrity complete Details

Seach Page

 User Can seach for movies/TV shows/ People

Movies & TV Shows

 Movies tab contains list of following submenus
  Now Playing
  Most Popular
  Top Rated