Welcome to the repository for Data Structures using C programming. Here, you will find practical, class, and test codes that will help you learn and practice data structures - by Rajjit Laishram and Oinam Akash Khuman
P1. Traversing an Array
P2. Insertion and Traversal in 2D Arrays
P3. Linear Search in Arrays
P4. Sparse Matrices
P5. Bubble Sort
P6. Insertion Sort
P7. Count Occurrence in Arrays
P8. Diagonal Matrix in 1D
P9. Lower Triangular Matrix in 1D
P10. Linked List Operations
- Insert at Beginning, End, or Any Position
P11. Linked List Deletion
- Delete at Beginning, End, Any Position, and Search
P12. Linked List Searching
P13. Concatenate Linked Lists
P14. Reverse Linked Lists
P15. Linear Queue Operations
- Insertion, Deletion, Peek, and Display
P16. Circular Queue Operations
- Insertion, Deletion, Search, and Display
P17. Linked Queue Operations
- Insertion, Deletion, Display and Peek using dynamic memory allocation
P18. Stack Implementation
P19. Factorial of a number and its factors
P20. Printing Fibonacci series
P21. Greatest Common Divisor of a number
P22. Implement Queue using multiple stack
P23. Implement reverse of stack using another stack
P24. Program to implement binary tree displaying Preorder, Inorder and Postorder notations
P25. Program to implement binary search tree (BST) displaying Preorder, Inorder and Postorder notations - with insertion, deletion, searching
P26. Program to implement AVL tree
P27. Program to implement Heap Tree (Binary) - Max Heap
Searching an element in an array using Binary Search
Searching an element in an array using Binary Search from Forward or Backward
Search a Character in an Array
Swap Two Values without Using a Third Variable
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Sort an Array in Ascending Order
- With Exchanges and Comparisons Count
Link List Operations
Queue Operations
Priority Queue
- Program to illustrate Priority Queue
Test 1 - 1 - Fibonacci Series and Repetition Check
Test 1 - 2 - Multiples of a Number
Test 1 - 3 - Index Multiplication and Repetition Check
Test 1 - 4 - Insert and Calculate Factorial/Multiplication
Test 2 - 1 - Student Roll Numbers with Grade B
Test 2 - 2 - Linked List Insertion
Class Test 2 - 1
Class Test 2 - 2
Test 3 - 3 - Ticket Recording with Circular Queue
Class Test 3 - 1 - Program to implement circular queue operations
Class Test 3 - 2 - Program to implement deque (deck) using Linked List