
Python Programs for 2nd Sem BCA

Primary LanguagePython


Python Programs for 2nd Sem BCA

You can access the FULL Explanation here

02. (1) # Python program to print the pattern
     *  *  *
*   *   *   *   * star.py

(2)# Python program to print the pattern
         2 3 2
      3 4 5 4 3
   4 5 6 7 6 5 4
5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 num.py

03. # Python program to illustrate the various functions of the “Math” module mtheg.py

04. # Program to find the area of triangle using Heron's Formula area.py

05. # Python program to find the total sales of a Salesman sales.py

06. # Program to find the factorial of a given number factorial.py

07. # Program to find the fibonacci sequence fibo.py

08. # Python function that takes a number with two or more digits as an input and finds its reverse and computes the sum of its digits revSum.py

09. # Python function that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns their least common multiple and highest common factor lcmHcf.py

10. # Python function that takes a number as an input and determine whether it is prime or not prime.py

11. # Python program to find the sum of the series 1-x2/2!+x4/4!-x6/6!+...+xn/n! ser1sum.py

12. # Python function that takes two strings as an input from the user and counts the number of matching characters in the given pair of strings. incount.py

13. Python function that takes a string as an input from the user and displays its reverse. rev.py

14. # Python function that checks if the user input is palindrome or not palindrome.py

15. # Python function to calculate the sum and product of two compatible matrices sum&product.py

16. # Python function that takes a list of numbers as input from the user and produces the corresponding cumulative list where each element in the list present at index i is the sum of elements at index j <= i cuList.py

17. # Python function that takes n as an input and creates a list of n lists such that ith list contains first five multiples of i nlist.py

18. # Python function that takes a sentence as input from the user and calculates the frequency of each letter and use a variable of dictionary type to maintain the count freqLetter.py

19. # Python function that takes a dictionary of word:meaning pairs as an input from the user and creates an inverted dictionary of the form meaning:list-of-words invDict.py

20. Implementation of Linear and Binary search techniques linear.py and binary.py

21. Implementation of selection sort, insertion sort, and bubble sort techniques select.py, insert.py and bubble.py

Extra, taught in Class

# Program to print Floyd's Triangle floyds.py

# Program to check for Alphabet, Digits, Special character, Whitespace checker.py

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