The plan is to run a number of "peers" on one system, train them individually and share knowledge across the swarm of containers. We explore the performance of such a system with different peer configurations.
We work on top of the p2plib shared by James Bae to create a peer-to-peer aware application (currently closed-source).
- Demo UI code in demo/
- Demo server code in src/
- Application code in src/p2plib/cmd/flat/ (along with changes in flat.go)
- Evaluation docker environment set up using the dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml
- PPT in ./Group11.FinalReport.pptx
First the python environment must be set up. To do this, go to the /pre folder. Run the two shell files:
cd pre
sudo sh
sudo sh
Repeat the same process in other machines where you'd want to launch peers.
Note down the IP address on your machine using ifconfig
You can then start up a peer by running (and start an interface server):
cd src/p2plib/cmd/flat
# Start server in the background
python3 ../../../ &
# Start peer
python3 <SELF_IP> <PORT>
To run more peers, enter those machines and start. Bootstrap IP and port are processes you have spun up before in other systems:
cd src/p2plib/cmd/flat
You can view the visualization by running the UI locally
cd demo
# Install dependencies
npm i
npm start
# Go to src/app/nodeviz/*.ts, change the IP address there to the machine where the
# flask server is running.
# Navigate to localhost:4200 in chrome
Execute ./
. This will:
- Build the image, and setup the python env inside the image.
- Create a docker-internal network for communication across nodes. Also volume mount required dirs on the containers.
- Run the image as 6 different containers (acting as 6 peers) joining the same network incrementally.
- Start the container with running at startup. Other peers will discover any container that joins in.
- Run the flask server for interaction on one of the nodes.
Once the container is created, follow these steps to access any container in the docker.
- sudo docker container ls - lists the containers with their ids in the docker
- sudo docker exec -it <container_id> bash You will have access to the container now. The source code is present in /home/work.
- For testing scalability, we brought up instances in AWS:
- For spinning up the environment for development, we rely on docker:
- All model training and evaluation is done using the tensorflow library (using Keras abstraction):
- Dataset used for evaluation is CIFAR-10:
- For the demo, we wrote the UI in angular ( and the backend using Flask (
- The application layer for the p2p nodes was written in Python (