
A jetty based self contained rest service demonstrating the JWT token Authentication

Primary LanguageJava


A Jetty based auth service demonstrating the JWT Token Authentication framework. The way it currently work is, user sent the request, if rquest does not contains the token then it try to authenticate the user, for sake of simplicity I am using the StaticLoginService which has username and password hardcoded for authentication purpose but feel free to implement LoginService of your choice (e.g. DBservice, external service) to check the validate authentication.

once user is validated, JWTAuthService generate the Token which is pushed to the user through response header, the same can be used for susequent requests.

How to Build and Run

./gradlew apprun

15:41:19 INFO  Jetty 9.2.26.v20180806 started and listening on port 8080
15:41:19 INFO   runs at:
15:41:19 INFO    http://localhost:8080/

> Task :appRun
Press any key to stop the server.

How to Test

Please use following Java 11 Http Client to test the application


The Client sends the 2 HttpRequest, first request has no token but username and password, The service trigger the auth based on the supplied credential and send the token, next request send the token to the service which was validated at server.