GLA University, Mathura

BCSC 1002 Object-Oriented Programming

Multithreading Lab Task


  • Create a definition class for a "thread" in java, by implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface. This thread will be the thread for a "rabbit".

  • Create a definition class for a "thread" in java, by extending the java.lang.Thread class. This class will be the thread for a "tortoise".

  • The Rabbit thread and the Tortoise thread will have a race. (they will start executing concurrently)

  • The Rabbit thread is a fast one, and it executes with a step of 1.5s (it sleeps for 1.5s).

  • The Tortoise thread is a slow one, and it executes with a step of 3.0s (it sleeps for 3.0s).

  • The milestones in the race are as follows

    • The Start Line
    • The Cool River
    • The Mountain Hill
    • The Big Oak Tree
    • The Finish Line
  • The thread that you create for either of the participant of the race shall execute in 5 steps for each of the milestones; and don't forget to make them pause (sleep).