Pinned Repositories
Exploratory Data Analysis and Classification of Using the Zomato Bangalore Restaurants Dataset from Kaggle. In this Project , I performed Supervised Learning Algorithms and did Exploratory Data Analysis on the Zomato Bangalore Restaurants Dataset from Kaggle. This Project also Contains Detailed Documentation in PDF format. Following ML Algorithms used in this project: 1. Logistic Regression 2. Decision Tree 3. K-Nearest Neighbors 4. Random Forest 5. Support Vector Machine 6. Gradient Boosting 7. Naive bayes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Libraries: Sklearn Pandas Numpy MatplotLib Seaborn ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programming Language: Pyhton 3 Python IDE: Jupyter Notebook ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can download the Dataset from here:
This Program will help you to download tweets from twitter using R . It can Extract Tweets by Hasgtag e.g. #Corona and also we can extract tweets by Username e.g.@RajkumarJagdale.
Intention Mining in Social Networking. It Mines Emotions and polarity for the given keyword . For the keyword it searchers the twitter for the comments and analyzes the results for various events such as Election results, Sports prediction Movie ratings, Breaking news events such as demonetisation and many more. Bayes , Maximum Entropy and Hidden Markov models are used to analyse the results. It requires R shiny package installed.
rajkumarjagdale's Repositories
Exploratory Data Analysis and Classification of Using the Zomato Bangalore Restaurants Dataset from Kaggle. In this Project , I performed Supervised Learning Algorithms and did Exploratory Data Analysis on the Zomato Bangalore Restaurants Dataset from Kaggle. This Project also Contains Detailed Documentation in PDF format. Following ML Algorithms used in this project: 1. Logistic Regression 2. Decision Tree 3. K-Nearest Neighbors 4. Random Forest 5. Support Vector Machine 6. Gradient Boosting 7. Naive bayes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Libraries: Sklearn Pandas Numpy MatplotLib Seaborn ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programming Language: Pyhton 3 Python IDE: Jupyter Notebook ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can download the Dataset from here:
This Program will help you to download tweets from twitter using R . It can Extract Tweets by Hasgtag e.g. #Corona and also we can extract tweets by Username e.g.@RajkumarJagdale.
Intention Mining in Social Networking. It Mines Emotions and polarity for the given keyword . For the keyword it searchers the twitter for the comments and analyzes the results for various events such as Election results, Sports prediction Movie ratings, Breaking news events such as demonetisation and many more. Bayes , Maximum Entropy and Hidden Markov models are used to analyse the results. It requires R shiny package installed.