
A package for automatically generating models, controllers, views, migrations (CRUD functionality) for your Laravel Applications

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Laravel package for generating CRUD for your Laravel Applications.

You can easily generate model, migration, controller and views(index, create, edit, show) using a single command or generate them individually using separate commands.


Require this package in composer.json of your Laravel project:

composer require rajmasha/simple-crud

Once installed, publish the assets using vendor:publish artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rajmasha\SimpleCrud\SimpleCrudServiceProvider"


Commands available in the package:

Command Syntax Description
Model crud:model Creates a Model
Migration crud:migration Creates a Migration
Controller crud:controller Creates a Controller
Views crud:view Creates all views
All crud:all Creates Model, Migration, Controller and Views


See the Full documentation here


The package is open source and licensed under the MIT license. See the license file for detail.