
Realestate Management system

This is a ready to use web application for managing Real Estate System. the application is built on PHP and Mysql, its interface is very user friendly.


It can easily be used to manage two different group of users with different permission level.User can find Property easily in particular and Specific Location,Loan Calculator, Admin can Manage all data , User can Add property etc. This system will provide facility to view the property by admin and user. User will able to upload the property information to the site and able to manage it. This system will provide facility to the user to fill up their requirement and according to their Requirement Admin can add the Requirement property.Real Estate Management system help buy and list properties


PHP >= 7.3;
PDO PHP Extension;
GD PHP extension
MySQL >= 5.7;


Modify config.php file

$con = mysqli_connect("server_name","user_name","password","Database_name");

Import the Database in Your Server like Xampp, Wamp

Database Name -: developer