A Chrome Extension made to sort comments made using the LiveFyre comment system based on popularity.
###What is LiveFyreSorter? LiveFyreSorter 'was' a chrome extension created in order to sort comments posted using the LiveFyre commenting system in order of the number of likes. As of before the beginning of 2013, LiveFyre unlike other popular commenting systems like Disqus and Facebook Comment Plugin didn't support sorting comments based on popularity.
###Why its no more? Sometime in the month of February of 2013, LiveFyre rolled out support for sorting based on like count and the day I found out about this (very shortly after it took place) I brought funeral to this chrome extension by unpublishing it from the chrome store, burrying it away from computer users of the world. However the source which was originally of open source (nothing changed there) is still here on GitHub for the world to shower colorful flowers over and weep over its decease, with screenshot.png and screenshot2.png stiffly packed in a tight glass frame beside the grave.