
A C# ASP.NET Core Demo RESTful Web API project for a fictional medical clinic. Live demo available.

Primary LanguageC#

Medical Clinic Demo Web API Project

This is an ASP.NET Core RESTful Web API demo application used as a back-end API for a fictional medical clinic.

Application Features:

There are two primary roles in the application, Employee, and Patient. And there are six web API controllers with respective resource endpoints: Acccount, Appointments, Auth, LabOrders, LabResults, and Records controllers.

Technology Stacks and Tools Used:

Frameworks, Languages, and Tools: C#, ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API, EF Core 3.1, Automapper 10.1.1, SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, Postman, Git, GitHub, Azure DevOps for project management.

Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns: Generic repository pattern, Unit of work pattern, 3-layered architecture.

Visual Studio Extensions: Productivity Power Tools, CodeMaid, Github extension for Visual Studio 2019, and Snippet Designer.

Live Demo