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Note :

The UI design is Basic and minimal . Similarly, React is used to build the website instead of Next js (as mentioned), Due to the time limitation and I am familiar with Nextjs but not much than basic

Certainly! Let's go through the code step by step to explain its functionality and how it works:

Importing dependencies and components:

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import Header from './components/Header'; import Movie from './components/Movies'; import movies from './movie.json';

  • The code imports the necessary dependencies, such as React and useState, which is a React Hook for managing state.
  • It also imports the Header and Movie components from their respective files.
  • The movies variable is imported from a JSON file, which contains an array of movie data.

App component and state management:

function App() { const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState(''); // ... }

The App component is a functional component that serves as the main component for the application. It initializes a state variable searchTerm using the useState hook, with an initial value of an empty string. The setSearchTerm function is used to update the value of the searchTerm state variable.

Rendering the UI:

return ( <div className="App text-center min-h-screen bg-gradient-to-r from-black to-black"> <nav className="backdrop-blur-sm flex z-50 gap-36 fixed w-full"> <Header /> {/* ... */} </nav> {/* ... */} <div className="main flex justify-between flex-wrap p-[14px] gap-5 pt-24"> {/* ... */} </div> </div> );

  • The return statement defines the JSX code to be rendered.
  • The root div element has the class App and some styling classes.
  • Inside the root div, a nav element is added to contain the Header component and the search input field.
  • The Header component is rendered within the nav element.
  • The search input field is rendered as an input element within the nav element, with styling classes for appearance.
  • The main movie container is rendered within a div element with the class main, and it is styled with flexbox and padding.

Filtering and mapping movies:

{movies .filter((e) => { if (searchTerm === '') { return true; } else if (e.Title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase())) { return true; } return false; }) .map((e, i) => ( <Movie key={i} title={e.Title} img={e.Poster} /> ))}

  • The movies array is filtered based on the searchTerm value.
  • The filter function checks if the searchTerm is empty. If so, it returns true for all movies, meaning all movies will be included.
  • If the searchTerm is not empty, it checks if the lowercase movie title includes the lowercase searchTerm. If it does, it returns true, meaning the * movie will be included.
  • The filtered movies are then mapped using the map function to render individual Movie components.
  • Each Movie component is assigned a unique key prop using the i index value, and it is passed the title and img props from the filtered movie data.

That's a high-level overview of the code. It sets up the basic structure of the application, including the header, search