
Manipulation Detector using CNNs

Primary LanguageHTML


A project to build a neural network that can detect fake/altered images from real images.

Team members

  • Jervis
  • Raj
  • Yash

Project Setup

We use Conda for package / dependency management. You can get a copy of conda for your platform here: https://conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

One can then create a suitable environment as follows:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

You can then activate the environment with:

$ source activate cs230Project

To pull in any updated dependencies, one can execute

$ conda env update

We'll be using the CASIA dataset that's available at https://www.kaggle.com/sophatvathana/casia-dataset. Please download this and put under a data/ folder. E.g. the Casia2 dataset would be at data/CASIA2/...

Screen Session Management

We also use GNU screen for session management. To check for list of available sessions run

$ screen -ls

We usually have a single cs230 session that we all share. To attach to this session, just run

$ screen -x cs229

Some helpful screen commands:

  • Open a new window in session - Ctrl + A, c
  • Go to next window in session - Ctrl + A, n
  • Go to previous window in session - Ctrl + A, p

Initial baseline results

Running an extremely simple logistic regression with only 10 epochs of training, we got the following result:

Acurracy: 0.7757704569606801
Training time(secs): 82.76839876174927
Max training iterations: 10
Training time / Max training iterations: 8.276839876174927
Classification report:               precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Real       0.78      0.99      0.87       735
        Fake       0.33      0.02      0.05       206

   micro avg       0.78      0.78      0.78       941
   macro avg       0.56      0.51      0.46       941
weighted avg       0.68      0.78      0.69       941

Running at 100 iterations

Acurracy: 0.7513283740701382
Training time(secs): 569.8644268512726
Max training iterations: 100
Training time / Max training iterations: 5.698644268512726
Classification report:               precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Real       0.84      0.84      0.84       735
        Fake       0.43      0.43      0.43       206

   micro avg       0.75      0.75      0.75       941
   macro avg       0.64      0.64      0.64       941
weighted avg       0.75      0.75      0.75       941

Running at 400 iterations

Acurracy: 0.7120085015940489
Training time(secs): 2077.106256723404
Max training iterations: 400
Training time / Max training iterations: 5.19276564180851
Classification report:               precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Real       0.85      0.77      0.81       735
        Fake       0.38      0.52      0.44       206

   micro avg       0.71      0.71      0.71       941
   macro avg       0.62      0.64      0.62       941
weighted avg       0.75      0.71      0.73       941

Running at 1000 iterations

Acurracy: 0.6971307120085016
Training time(secs): 9655.94488477707
Max training iterations: 1000
Training time / Max training iterations: 9.65594488477707
Classification report:               precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Real       0.84      0.76      0.80       735
        Fake       0.36      0.47      0.41       206

   micro avg       0.70      0.70      0.70       941
   macro avg       0.60      0.62      0.60       941
weighted avg       0.73      0.70      0.71       941

PyTorch Logistic regression


Dev Acurracy: 74%
Train Acurracy: 96%
Training time(secs): 76004.55631327629
Max training iterations: 10000
Training time / Max training iterations: 7.6004556313276295

SVM baseline

Mosts svm kernels didn't do too well, but poly got reasoanble results. Note however, this was sensitive to the number of iterations. We found 10 iterations worked best.

Poly kernel

Acurracy: 0.7619553666312433
Training time(secs): 8.219857215881348
Max training iterations: 10
Training time / Max training iterations: 0.8219857215881348
Classification report:               precision    recall  f1-score   support

        Real       0.78      0.97      0.86       735
        Fake       0.05      0.00      0.01       206

   micro avg       0.76      0.76      0.76       941
   macro avg       0.41      0.49      0.44       941
weighted avg       0.62      0.76      0.68       941

Model training commands

Example to train an inception

$ python cnn.py --max_iter 10 --model_name=inception_pretrained --data_folder=data/processed_casia2_224  --cuda=True --l2_regularization=0.0 --experiment_name "l2reg=0.0_iter=10"

Model Image size mappining

  • Inception -> 299x299
  • Densenet -> 224x224
  • VGG16 -> 224x224
  • Resnet -> 224x224

Promising results

  • densenet_pretrained_l2reg=0_iter=10 - 67%
  • resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0_iter=10 - 68%
  • results_resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0_iter=3_trainallweights - 70%
  • results_resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0_iter=50_trainallweights - 74% (This was achieved on the 12th epoch)
  • resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0.001_iter=20_batchSize=50_learningRate=0.00025_trainallweights - 75% (5th epoch)
  • resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0_iter=20_batchSize=50_learningRate=0.0005_trainallweights - 75% (15th epoch)


python cnn.py --batch_size=50 --unfreeze_ratio=0.5 --max_iter 3 --model_name=vgg16_pretrained --data_folder=data/processed_casia2_224 --cuda=True --l2_regularization=0 --unfreeze_all_weights=True --experiment_name l2reg=0_iter=3_unfreezeratio=0.5_trainallweights

Got dev accuracy of 61 / train accuracy 60  but didn't OOM. Could allow training for longer.

AWS instance

VM 1

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/cs230proj.pem ubuntu@ec2-34-220-41-38.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com

VM 2

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/cs230proj.pem ubuntu@ec2-54-214-145-187.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Param tuning

Best dev accuracy of 75% seen at epoch 4.

['python', 'cnn.py', '--max_iter', '11', '--batch_size', '70', '--learning_rate', '0.00010113231069171439', '--model_name=resnet_pretrained', '--data_folder=data/processed_casia2_224', '--cuda=True', '--l2_regul
arization=0.014409286623908741', '--unfreeze_all_weights=True', '--experiment_name', 'l2reg=0.014409286623908741_iter=11_trainallweights=True_unfreezeratio=0.5733779454085566']


  • Add dev loss per epoch of training.
  • Add graphs for training loss / dev performance as training continues.
  • Try out a simple CNN network.
  • Work on Midterm Report.
  • Test out SVM baseline: DONE.

Best Dev Accuracy with ELA


$  python cnn.py --max_iter 15 --model_name=resnet_pretrained --data_folder=data/processed_casia2_224_ela --cuda=True --l2_regularization=0 --unfreeze_all_weights=True --experiment_name l2reg=0_iter=15_trainallwe

Dev Acurracy: 90%
Best Dev Acurracy over training: 92% seen at epoch 5
Dev Precision: 0.8685714285714285%
Dev Recall: 0.890625%
Dev F1 Score: 0.8794599807135969%
Train Acurracy: 95%
Training time(secs): 1664.8222482204437
Max training iterations: 15
Training time / Max training iterations: 110.98814988136292
Confusion matrix, without normalization

Final hyper-tuned model.

This one achieved 94% accuracy at the end. https://github.com/jervisfm/cs230-project/blob/a1a9e5c04c2cb923a4c345fcec65f3ec2ebc60fa/results/cnn_results_resnet_pretrained_l2reg%3D0.005_iter%3D20_batchSize%3D100_learningRate%3D0.00025_trainallweights_raj

Model File: results/cnn_checkpoint_resnet_pretrained_l2reg=0.005_iter=20_batchSize=100_learningRate=0.00025_trainallweights_raj.h5


Dev Acurracy: 94%
Best Dev Acurracy over training: 94% seen at epoch 5
Dev Precision: 0.9211538461538461%
Dev Recall: 0.935546875%
Dev F1 Score: 0.9282945736434108%
Train Acurracy: 98%
Training time(secs): 2168.5053930282593
Max training iterations: 20
Training time / Max training iterations: 108.42526965141296

Error analysis

Error analysis spreadsheet -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BLLUl8mCo-U5J1pzeni3yz5N1HopuKru6019sBxDohw/edit#gid=0