
🏆 Curated solutions to Leetcode problems in multiple languages to ace the Coding Interviews.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


🏆 Curated solutions to Leetcode problems in multiple languages to ace the Coding Interviews.


Topic Wise
Serial Wise

Array  •  String  •  Hash Table  •  Dynamic Programming  •  Math  •  Sorting  •  Greedy  •  DepthFirst Search  •  Database  •  BreadthFirst Search  •  Tree  •  Binary Search  •  Matrix  •  Binary Tree  •  Two Pointers  •  Bit Manipulation  •  Stack  •  Heap (Priority Queue)  •  Design  •  Graph  •  Prefix Sum  •  Simulation  •  Backtracking  •  Counting  •  Sliding Window  •  Union Find  •  Linked List  •  Ordered Set  •  Monotonic Stack  •  Enumeration  •  Recursion  •  Trie  •  Divide and Conquer  •  Binary Search Tree  •  Bitmask  •  Queue  •  Memoization  •  Topological Sort  •  Geometry  •  Segment Tree  •  Hash Function  •  Game Theory  •  Binary Indexed Tree  •  Number Theory  •  Interactive  •  String Matching  •  Rolling Hash  •  Data Stream  •  Shortest Path  •  Combinatorics  •  Randomized  •  Monotonic Queue  •  Brainteaser  •  Merge Sort  •  Iterator  •  Concurrency  •  DoublyLinked List  •  Probability and Statistics  •  Quickselect  •  Bucket Sort  •  Suffix Array  •  Minimum Spanning Tree  •  Counting Sort  •  Shell  •  Line Sweep  •  Reservoir Sampling  •  Eulerian Circuit  •  Radix Sort  •  Strongly Connected Component  •  Rejection Sampling  •  Biconnected Component

Total Problems Solved: 193


  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local machine.
  • Checkout a new branch.
  • Make some changes to your leetcode repository, then push the changes to your remote GitHub repository.
  • Create a pull request with your changes!
  • See CONTRIBUTING or GitHub Help for more details.
  graph TD;
      A[rajput-hemant/leetcode] --1--> B[create a fork <br> your-username/leetcode];
      B --2--> C[clone your fork to your local machine];
      C --3--> D[checkout new branch, <br>update or add your solution in relevant folder];
      D --4--> E[commit & push changes];
      E --5--> B;
      B --6--> F[create a pull request];
      F --7--> A;


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