
🛒 A simple Shop App to browse, add your own products, add products to cart and later order them.

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🛒 Shop App

A simple Shop App to browse, add your own products, add products to cart and later order them.

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👨‍🎓 Things I learned through this project

State Management

  • Working with Providers, listeners and notifiers.
  • Using a Provider class in another Provider class.
  • Using Consumers for more optimizations i.e. rebuilding only the builder function or a part of widget.
  • Using Provider to provide data application-wide or multiple widgets, OR
  • Using Stateful Widget instead of Provider when the state only affect a widget or its child widget.

Working with User Input & Forms

  • Handling and validating the User Input.
  • Showing dialogs to interact with Users

Working with HTTP Requests & Error Handling

  • Using Http requests like post, get, patch, etc to do CRUD operations.
  • Using Future & Asynchronous Fn with async/await.
  • Error Handling, using try-catch(-finally) or catcherror.

Working with User Authentication

  • Using Firebase Authentication to Log in/out, sign up, etc.
  • Managing Auth token locally using Shared Preferences.
  • Using the ProxyProvider & attaching the Token to outgoing HTTP requests.
  • Using the FutureBuilder to show different widgets based on the future state.
  • Automatically Logging In/Out functionality.


  • Using built-in animations like Hero Animation, various Transition Animations, etc.
  • Using AnimatedBuilder/AnimatedContainer to animate a widget without rebuilding it.
  • Implementing Custom Route Transitions.

Dependencies Used

http: ^0.13.4
intl: ^3.2.0
provider: ^10.1.0
shared_preferences: ^2.0.15

📱 App UI

Click here to expand
Login/Signup Screen Home Screen Product Detail Screen
App Drawer Filter PopUp Cart Screen
Orders Screen Manage Products Screen Edit Product Screen

Directory Structure

|-- assets
|   |-- fonts
|   |   |-- Anton-Regular.ttf
|   |   |-- Lato-Bold.ttf
|   |   `-- Lato-Regular.ttf
|   |
|   `-- images
|       |-- background.png
|       |-- clock.png
|       |-- light-1.png
|       |-- light-2.png
|       `-- shop_app.png
|-- lib
|   |-- helpers
|   |   `-- custom_route.dart
|   |
|   |-- models
|   |   `-- http_exception.dart
|   |
|   |-- providers
|   |   |-- auth.dart
|   |   |-- cart.dart
|   |   |-- orders.dart
|   |   |-- product.dart
|   |   `-- products.dart
|   |
|   |-- screens
|   |   |-- auth_screen.dart
|   |   |-- cart_screen.dart
|   |   |-- edit_product_screen.dart
|   |   |-- orders_screen.dart
|   |   |-- product_detail_screeen.dart
|   |   |-- products_overview_screen.dart
|   |   |-- splash_screen.dart
|   |   `-- user_products_screen.dart
|   |
|   |-- widgets
|   |   |-- app_drawer.dart
|   |   |-- badge.dart
|   |   |-- cart_item.dart
|   |   |-- order_item.dart
|   |   |-- product_item.dart
|   |   |-- products_grid.dart
|   |   `-- user_product_item.dart
|   |
|   `-- main.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
`-- README.md

Building from Source

  • If you don't have Flutter SDK installed, please visit official Flutter site.
  • Fetch latest source code from master branch.
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ git clone https://github.com/rajput-hemant/shop-app
  • Run the app with Android Studio or VS Code. Or the command line:
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ flutter pub get
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ flutter run
