Expense Reimbursement System

Project Description

The Expense Reimbursement System (ERS) will manage the process of reimbursing employees for expenses incurred while on company time. All employees in the company can login and submit requests for reimbursement and view their past tickets and pending requests. Finance managers can log in and view all reimbursement requests and past history for all employees in the company. Finance managers are authorized to approve and deny requests for expense reimbursement.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Servlets
  • JDBC
  • RDS
  • PostreSQL
  • JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • log4j
  • Tomcat
  • Git
  • Maven


List of additional features:

  • Implemented an email feature where admins can sent user emails to request more information
  • Used AWS S3 bucket to host files for users

To-do list:

  • Retrieve files from AWS S3 bucket
  • Implement triggers for time constraints

Getting Started


  • Open the project in Spring Tools Suite and make sure to add a server to run the project on in your project, then right click on index.html (which can be found in src/main/webapp/resources/html/) and to go "Run as" and click on "Run on Server" to run it on the Tomcat server.


  • Sukanya Raj
  • Miguel Garcia


This project uses the following license: MIT License