Revature Social Network (Front end)

Project Description

In this web application every Revature employee can connect to other employees, whether it be an associate, a trainer, or contracted employees. Each person has their own account, that comes with a unique username, Revature employee information. Within this network employees can access locations and information to help them with many different possibilities. Also it is being created to ease the transition as a Revature employee, whether it be as a trainer/associate, contracted employee/contractor, or staff member.

Technologies Used

  • Java - version 1.8
  • Jenkins
  • Spring Boot
  • Hibernate
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • PostgreSQL - version 12
  • Angular
  • Spring Tools Suite
  • DBeaver
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Trello


List of features ready and TODOs for future development:

  • Users are able to login
  • Users are able to apply for an account
  • Users are able to see their feed which consists of their posts and others on their app
  • Users are able to create their own profile and see their posts in their profile

To-Do list:

  • Connect an email feature

Getting Started

Run command: git clone and attach the github url.



  • Sukanya Raj
  • David Mejia
  • Jennifer Hunter
  • Siera Straughter
  • Stephanie Foshay


This project uses the following license: MIT License