
Dropwizard based micro-service development framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GoJek Commons Build Status

GoJek Commons is a collection of useful abstractions aimed at making micro-service development faster and easier to manage.


From our experience, we have seen that most micro-service development has similar system requirements and they all end up with,

  • a data store
  • a centralized cache store
  • a queuing system
  • event processing
  • scheduled job processing
  • application/business metrics for monitoring & alerting
  • input validations and error handling
  • health checks

We end up writing boiler plate code in every service making the development slower and bulkier codebase. GoJek Commons was created to abstract out most of these dependencies and keep the service smaller and simpler.


GoJek Commons is built on top of Dropwizard Framework for its out-of-the-box support for service hygiene (configuration, metrics, logging etc..). The following are the components used,

Getting Started

Setting Up Maven


Base Application

gojek-commons-application allows you to create a basic application with out-of-the-box support for,

  • Exception mapper for WebApplicationException that transforms the exception into a json response
  • Localization of error messsages
  • Useful filters like RequestTrackingFilter, CorsFilter etc.
  • Swagger integration and many more

Jpa Support

gojek-commons-jpa exposes a JpaBundle with,

  • ActiveJPA support
  • Database Health check
  • Connection pool metrics
  • Database migrations using Flyway

Amqp Support

gojek-commons-amqp exposes a AmqpBundle with,

  • Rabbitmq as message broker
  • Amqp Health check
  • Connection pool metrics
  • Support for retrying failed messages before dead lettering

Kafka Support

gojek-commons-kafka exposes a KafkaBundle with,

  • Basic support for producing and consuming messages
  • Pool of consumers

Cache Support

gojek-commons-cache exposes a AmqpBundle with,

  • Redis as cache server
  • Redis Health check
  • Connection pool metrics
  • Utiities like AtomicExecutor that uses redis locks for atomic operations in a cluster

Job Support

gojek-commons-job exposes a JobBundle with,

  • Quartz scheduler
  • Job registration & scheduling using configuration
  • Job execution metrics

Guice Support

gojek-commons-guice exposes a GuiceBundle & GuiceJpaBundle with,

  • Dependency injection support
  • Jpa integration


Create an issue explaining your issue as detail as possible.


gojek-commons is offered under Apache License, Version 2.0