Framework Requirement: .Net core 3.1 Language: C#
Development Tool: Visual Studio 2019
Test cases: Assignment is the main project folder, Assignment.Test is the test project in which I have performed following testing as part of unit testing requirement.
- AddCatalogAMustPass – To add item in the catalog A
- AddSupplierBarCodeB – Add supplierBar code for company B
- RemoveCatalogAMustPass – To remove item from catalog A Additional unit test functionalities:
- DirectoryShouldExist – To make sure the input directory exists
- CatatalogNotEmpty – To make sure the catalog is not empty. No point of performing merge if the either one of the catalog is empty
- OutputFileRowsCheck – For the given input file, number of rows that need to be returned is checked with reference to the output file provided
- FileCountMustBeSixFiles – To make sure all the files exist in input folder Following snapshot shows all the unit testing passed (3 main + 4 additional test cases)
Output: output file contains the merged list
- Input folder must exist in application root.
- Output file will be printed in output folder in application root.
- Input folders must exist in test project application root as well to perform the above tests.
Refer to Project Outline document for details